New to Blogging, Get Started Today For FREE
First of all what you may be asking yourself is what is blogging and what it is really all about, let me tell you right now blogging is a lucrative business and very easy to setup and manage.
Can you see yourself getting paid by writing about things that interest you? Its true you can, No matter where you are and when ever you want, you can be in a internet cafe anywhere around the globe, it can be done in your own time, it wont be in the way of your vacation, spend as little time on your blog and more time on yourself.
What I'm going to get tell you today, is how to profit with a blog and setup one of your own all for FREE, would you be interested in some profits just by spending 20minutes a day on your blog? Course you would, so let's get going.
OK first thing first you need a blog, there are several options where you can get yourself a blog platform, and the options are:
com, or get hold of a better version of blogging on WordPress.
com Words Press is a completely free blog platform which I personally recommend and all the big time bloggers are all using word press.
The other blog platform which was blogger.
com, this is owned by Google, so its going to be found by Google much faster than a Word press Blog.
com is a new option so I cannot give you any estimation on how fast you will be found on Googles listings.
What I can advise is, word press is much better in a way that it is more advance than Google Blogger, such as track backs and categories, You can manage you side bar much more effectively and other features which I will explain to you later.
So get yourself your Blog whether it's from Blogger or WordPress.
Then get yourself comfortable with the platform, choose yourself the right theme and adjust any other other options to your requirements, and familiarise yourself publishing your first post on your blog.
Here are some small tips on getting your blogging vocabulary on a start: Track back - If your posting about someone elses Blog post elsewhere, your post will come up on their "track back" section in their dashboard.
Bare in mind this feature is not available with a Blogger account Permalink - This officially stand for permanent links, which is also known as URL (Uniform Resource Locator) Permalink is the URL for each individual post that you make in your Blog.
Pinging - Pinging is the action where a certain aggregator is notified whenever your Blog is updated, that means the aggregator may show the newest post of your blog on their website.
This is very useful way to gain traffic, we will discuss on traffic on another article.
Content This is crunch time; let's take a look at the type of content that will be effective for your Blog for you to make profits.
You need to understand there is no fixed subject that your Blog should publish; this means you can post about whatever you're interested in, it could be virtually anything.
The difference between a profitable and a non profitable Blog is the way you write your content.
So take a deep breathe and just pick what you would like to write just keep in mind you want something "light" not too heavy, You wouldn't want to read your university professors lecture notes or the latest novel by your favourite author? When readers are on your Blog their there for information but they also looking around for information they can access much easily.
Why you have to provide readers with easy access information is to attract more and more visitors to your Blog also keep your current readers coming back for more.
It is important to add yourself in to your Blog, your personal touch to your Blog post, such as a little humour, just relax and flow with your content as if you're writing to a friend.
Just to keep your readers on the ball just put in a good sense of humour, so add funny comments in your articles, it keeps your readers laughing.
One more important point is to avoid addressing your reader as plural units.
Write your posts as if you're having a conversation with your friend, this will get your readers to know you're more and get a feel of you and your content.
So whiles your writing your content just establish your personality through your own words, everyone always want to know who their talking to, so just keep yourself tuned into your posts personally.
Having a great personality is a bonus, you will be great in creating content, when your creating a post your not just branding your Blog your branding yourself, your image, your name, when people mention your Blog, your name will go with it, when they need information they will know the source is you, just like brand names like Nike, for Sports wear and McDonalds for Fastfood, you will be known for your niche.
I will have more on this subject on my next posts, so keep in touch, Once the word gets around about your Blog, who ever needs to know about Blogging or your particular niche, they will come running to you and find you.
Can you see yourself getting paid by writing about things that interest you? Its true you can, No matter where you are and when ever you want, you can be in a internet cafe anywhere around the globe, it can be done in your own time, it wont be in the way of your vacation, spend as little time on your blog and more time on yourself.
What I'm going to get tell you today, is how to profit with a blog and setup one of your own all for FREE, would you be interested in some profits just by spending 20minutes a day on your blog? Course you would, so let's get going.
OK first thing first you need a blog, there are several options where you can get yourself a blog platform, and the options are:
- Host a blog on your own with your own domain name
- Get one for free
com, or get hold of a better version of blogging on WordPress.
com Words Press is a completely free blog platform which I personally recommend and all the big time bloggers are all using word press.
The other blog platform which was blogger.
com, this is owned by Google, so its going to be found by Google much faster than a Word press Blog.
com is a new option so I cannot give you any estimation on how fast you will be found on Googles listings.
What I can advise is, word press is much better in a way that it is more advance than Google Blogger, such as track backs and categories, You can manage you side bar much more effectively and other features which I will explain to you later.
So get yourself your Blog whether it's from Blogger or WordPress.
Then get yourself comfortable with the platform, choose yourself the right theme and adjust any other other options to your requirements, and familiarise yourself publishing your first post on your blog.
Here are some small tips on getting your blogging vocabulary on a start: Track back - If your posting about someone elses Blog post elsewhere, your post will come up on their "track back" section in their dashboard.
Bare in mind this feature is not available with a Blogger account Permalink - This officially stand for permanent links, which is also known as URL (Uniform Resource Locator) Permalink is the URL for each individual post that you make in your Blog.
Pinging - Pinging is the action where a certain aggregator is notified whenever your Blog is updated, that means the aggregator may show the newest post of your blog on their website.
This is very useful way to gain traffic, we will discuss on traffic on another article.
Content This is crunch time; let's take a look at the type of content that will be effective for your Blog for you to make profits.
You need to understand there is no fixed subject that your Blog should publish; this means you can post about whatever you're interested in, it could be virtually anything.
The difference between a profitable and a non profitable Blog is the way you write your content.
So take a deep breathe and just pick what you would like to write just keep in mind you want something "light" not too heavy, You wouldn't want to read your university professors lecture notes or the latest novel by your favourite author? When readers are on your Blog their there for information but they also looking around for information they can access much easily.
Why you have to provide readers with easy access information is to attract more and more visitors to your Blog also keep your current readers coming back for more.
It is important to add yourself in to your Blog, your personal touch to your Blog post, such as a little humour, just relax and flow with your content as if you're writing to a friend.
Just to keep your readers on the ball just put in a good sense of humour, so add funny comments in your articles, it keeps your readers laughing.
One more important point is to avoid addressing your reader as plural units.
Write your posts as if you're having a conversation with your friend, this will get your readers to know you're more and get a feel of you and your content.
So whiles your writing your content just establish your personality through your own words, everyone always want to know who their talking to, so just keep yourself tuned into your posts personally.
Having a great personality is a bonus, you will be great in creating content, when your creating a post your not just branding your Blog your branding yourself, your image, your name, when people mention your Blog, your name will go with it, when they need information they will know the source is you, just like brand names like Nike, for Sports wear and McDonalds for Fastfood, you will be known for your niche.
I will have more on this subject on my next posts, so keep in touch, Once the word gets around about your Blog, who ever needs to know about Blogging or your particular niche, they will come running to you and find you.