Society & Culture & Entertainment Education

Why It"s Important To Make Kids Into Good Readers

Every parent wants to have the best future for their child.
Parent's can do something as simple as making sure that their children are good readers in order to attain that bright future for them.
Not only has it been proven that children with a good foundation in reading do better in school, but that it helps them strive for more.
So when considering if reading is an important thing to encourage in the children of the world parents should consider some of these benefits.
• Gives knowledge • Gives inspiration and dreams • Fosters self-esteem.
Gives Knowledge Children that are taught to enjoy reading gain knowledge.
They can gain understanding of vocabulary, which they will use in other classes, such as math and science.
It also gives them a comprehension of the words that they're reading, which may help in areas of communication with their peers and others that they interact with.
These same children, through reading, can be exposed to different cultures that they may never get an opportunity to visit.
This will help to foster a more tolerant world for our children to live in.
Gives Inspiration And Dreams For children that are living in less than ideal situations, reading gives them inspiration.
It gives them an ability to dream of things being different from their less than adequate environment.
They start to dream of aspiring to become...
something; maybe a doctor, football player or...
a great wizard.
It gives them dreams.
To be inspired to dream will teach them to set goals for themselves that they wish to achieve; which will go a long way towards further education.
Fosters Self-esteem Any parent or teacher will tell you that one of the keys to success is self-esteem.
A child that has a positive self-esteem has no problem trying new things; has no problem failing and trying again.
Self-esteem is one of the core requirements for a child to become successful; reading helps to give a child that needed tool.
So when considering how important a role reading plays in your child's life, consider these three benefits.
Parent's who can who can give knowledge from the earliest age possible, inspire their children and teach them to dream and foster that oh so important positive self-esteem, are setting their children up to become life-long learners.
There are many more benefits, but these three can be just the tools that allow your child to achieve those dreams and become a productive member of the community that he/she lives in.

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