LED Lights for Energy Efficiency and Money Savings
These days a lot of buzz is happening around the term going green. What exactly is going green? The meaning is simple. We need energy for our day-to-day activities. The energy existing in the earth is not in a direct usable form. So we have to convert it into a usable form. When we convert energy from one form to another it will produce some bi products also. When we produce energy without creating much bi products then it is called green energy.
But as common people we don't have to do much in energy production and distribution. However, we can efficiently use the energy that we are consuming. All the appliances we use in our everyday lives consume energy. Some appliances convert almost all the energy into the form the appliance meant for but some of them lose a good portion of energy while doing the process.
As per estimates about 30% of the global total energy consumption is used for commercial lighting purposes. When we light a bulb 20 to 30 percent of the energy is lost as heat. There are a lot of alternatives for reducing this loss. One method for achieving this is by using energy efficient products. One of the most energy efficient products is LED light. LED stands for light emitting diodes. These use only one third of the energy consumed by an ordinary CFL lamp. And also it won't waste any energy as heat.
So if you are using LED lights instead of ordinary lights it will drastically reduce your energy bills and will last 50 times longer than ordinary lights. In this way you can also join the campaign 'Going green' in your own small ways, but along with saving a few bucks. Not bad right?
Jacob John is Business Productivity and Efficiency expert. He helps his clients for improving productivity in all means. The above essay is an example of achieving efficiency by using LED Lights.
But as common people we don't have to do much in energy production and distribution. However, we can efficiently use the energy that we are consuming. All the appliances we use in our everyday lives consume energy. Some appliances convert almost all the energy into the form the appliance meant for but some of them lose a good portion of energy while doing the process.
As per estimates about 30% of the global total energy consumption is used for commercial lighting purposes. When we light a bulb 20 to 30 percent of the energy is lost as heat. There are a lot of alternatives for reducing this loss. One method for achieving this is by using energy efficient products. One of the most energy efficient products is LED light. LED stands for light emitting diodes. These use only one third of the energy consumed by an ordinary CFL lamp. And also it won't waste any energy as heat.
So if you are using LED lights instead of ordinary lights it will drastically reduce your energy bills and will last 50 times longer than ordinary lights. In this way you can also join the campaign 'Going green' in your own small ways, but along with saving a few bucks. Not bad right?
Jacob John is Business Productivity and Efficiency expert. He helps his clients for improving productivity in all means. The above essay is an example of achieving efficiency by using LED Lights.