Business & Finance Personal Finance

How Car Accident Claim and Third-Party Insurance Works

Car accident claim and third-party insurance are to be taken as correlated terms. Whenever you go in to buy car insurance, please make it a point to purchase comprehensive car insurance with third-party cover. Car insurance and third-party cover are statutory requirements and hence you have to buy them in any case. But there is no matter to regret spending premium on this aspect.

In the high cost of living era, it is just impossible at time to bear the consequences of the car accident. The accident can result in grave injuries to self, to a third-party, to persons accompanying you etc etc. In that case the compensation granted by way of treatment in hospital towards hospitalization, room rent, broken limb, burns, heart care, brain care and almost all other types of ailment will relieve you of the financial worries to the extent that you can stand compensated to, more or less, what you would not have otherwise been able to afford. Damage to vehicle, theft and loss would also be compensated, as the case may be.

The key headache arises when third-party is involved. The main use of the third-party insurance cover is realized if, God forbid, there occurs death to the third party. As we hear and read, death compensation as too huge. The compensation is settled through courts only. At times it runs into lakhs and millions of rupees, depending upon the age, social standing, family dependents etc of the dead. So it can be discerned that in the event of death of third party, if the individual is not having third-party insurance, the compensation he/she will have to be pay will render him to a pauper. Here it is must to follow certain precautions to obviate your financial liability.

a) Always ensure to pay Yearly Premium in time to enjoy all the facilities and claim settlements.
b) It is advisable to take one plan from one company and adhere to that. As all insurers have certain waiting period for settlement of claims, sticking to one company is always helpful for expeditious settlement of claims.

Buying online car insurance is hassle free, less time consuming and cost effective. By calling online quotes for car insurance from various renowned companies, you have lot many options to study, sitting in the luxurious environment of your home. Go through these quotes and shortlist some of them, which should be suitable for you. Consequently select one out of this lot, which should seem to be customized for you, and buy this one.

€ Free online quotes
€ Concession on first premium between 50-60%
€ At the time of renewal of policy, if there was no claim during the last year, you will get No Claim Bonus (NCB) upto 50%.
€ Cashless facilities in the network hospitals
€ At the time of accident, providing lump sum at the very first diagnosis. Also 24&7 personal assistance made available.
€ Renewals of policies can also be undertaken online

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