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How Can You Attract a Good Man - Dating Tips For Ladies

In order to get the attention of a good man, you need to know their characteristics and therefore adapt and judge yourself.
Remember that a good man is transparent, has good character, high moral values and is very honest.
If these values are found in yourself, then that's good for you because you would be able to attract a good man naturally.
To attract a good man, you will have to be a genuine person.
That means you know who you are, and do not pretend to be someone else.
That word "genuine" also consists of honesty.
That is difficult for some people as honesty means no lies.
Being dishonest means disregarding both the man and yourself.
A good man will appreciate a woman who behaves herself in all moments, and he would like to be with such a person.
Too much women try to pretend to be someone that are not.
Some women have low self-esteem and therefore do not like being themselves; subconsciously they do not accept themselves.
Putting on an act makes one a very fake, empty, dishonest and unworthy person.
That puts off any good men, or any men for that matter.
To be honest with yourself means not holding back your feelings.
Remember that you must not lie.
If you like a man, and are asked, do not say you don't like him.
All animals have instincts, and that applies to humans as well.
Speak up about your opinions, how you feel abut whatever topics that may be discussed, what you really like and dislike.
There is a simple fact: if you can't be honest with yourself, you can't be honest with others.
Therefore start to examine yourself, and start to make your inner self blend with your outer self.
This is a part of being genuine and transparent.
Like women, men like to love another.
But no one can love a soul that closes itself.
Therefore open up, and share your feelings, your joy, your fears, your tears and everything that is true within you.
This will make a good man love you with all his heart.

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