Health & Medical Self-Improvement

How to Find Time For Your Home Business

Finding time for your home business can be done by planning ahead and blocking out the time for each area of your life.
You have 24 hours like everyone else.
You don't need to rush around.
The trick is to use time management and decide how that time will be spent.
I used to think time management was saving time.
I ran the yellows, did three things at once, and skipped any meeting I could.
I was stingy with the minutes and wasting my life.
Then I realized, at the end I would have no time saved up to bargain with.
"But Lord, I have another three weeks saved up just from running the yellows.
" At the end, what will matter is how I spent my time, not how I shaved the minutes.
Time to spend with the people I love - time to give to people who need me.
Time to grow - time to learn - time with God - time to keep my body healthy - time to play.
And that takes thinking about what comes first in my life, then, scheduling my time.
Family, health, spiritual life; they all have a time blocked out.
Each area of my life has it's own productive time.
My business has it's own time.
And if it's business, then how can I spend that time most productively.
I first of all, need a special area to keep all the materials of my business and room to work.
If my work is making phone calls, I need a telephone.
I absolutely need a computer.
And I need a good light.
Now I need to negotiate the time with my family.
This is my time to work and interruptions need to be minimum.
They may even be able to cover a few more chores to open a little more time for me.
Family time has it's own block and some things will have to wait.
It's important to use a planner.
You can't afford to miss appointments and now you will have more of them.
Get used to writing things down and keeping records.
We all have the gift of a whole new day.
Spend it with love and joy and gratitude.
At the end of the day, be happy in what was accomplished.
Your business will grow because you are a whole person.
You have more to give and life will give back to you more than you ever imagined.

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