Fight Heart Disease With Omega 3 Fatty Acids - Which Fish Should You Eat?
Omega 3 fatty acids are brought up on a regular basis when it comes to eating for good health.
There is definitely a reason this is occurring on a regular basis.
Many studies are showing great health benefits to eating these healthy fats that are found in some of the cold water fatty fish options.
These Omega 3 fatty acids that are contained have anti inflammatory properties that can provide many great benefits to your health.
Wondering what types of fish you should be eating to get the most Omega 3s? Here is a look at the best options to add to your diet.
Sardines You may be surprised to find that sardines are one of the best options to eat if you are trying to get more Omega 3 fatty acids into your diet.
The fresh ones are tasty and they are not overly expensive either.
They can be baked or grilled and then topped with a nice tomato sauce.
Canned sardines are another option that can be made broiled on some toast, which is a great appetizer choice.
Salmon Of course, salmon happens to be one of the best fish options to eat if you want to get more Omega 3s on a regular basis.
It is easy to find salmon in most supermarkets.
King salmon, also known as Chinook salmon are some of the best.
They are caught from Alaska to California in the wild.
While you can eat farmed salmon, it often does not pack the punch that wild caught salmon can offer you.
Smelt It is pretty easy to find smelt in your grocery store's freezer section.
Usually they are already cleaned.
These are very small fish that are great for frying.
You can battery them and eat them just the way that you eat French fries and they'll give you a nice dose of Omega 3 fatty acids.
Anchovies Usually anchovies are found preserved, since they tend to quickly go bad.
If you are able to purchase some anchovies that are fresh, broil or grill them for a nice meal.
Anchovies that have been preserved are great for adding to pizza, tomato sauce, and more.
However, make sure you do not add to many or you may not like the flavor if it overpowers the rest of the food you are eating.
These are just a few of the best types of fish that you should be adding to your diet on a regular basis.
They all pack a large amount of Omega 3s in them.
Today it is recommended that you get 2-3 servings of fatty fish each week, so learn which options are the best and then find great ways that you can prepare them.
Vary your cooking methods to avoid getting bored with the same old recipes.
Experimenting with various spices and herbs can also be a great way to find new recipes you really enjoy.
There is definitely a reason this is occurring on a regular basis.
Many studies are showing great health benefits to eating these healthy fats that are found in some of the cold water fatty fish options.
These Omega 3 fatty acids that are contained have anti inflammatory properties that can provide many great benefits to your health.
Wondering what types of fish you should be eating to get the most Omega 3s? Here is a look at the best options to add to your diet.
Sardines You may be surprised to find that sardines are one of the best options to eat if you are trying to get more Omega 3 fatty acids into your diet.
The fresh ones are tasty and they are not overly expensive either.
They can be baked or grilled and then topped with a nice tomato sauce.
Canned sardines are another option that can be made broiled on some toast, which is a great appetizer choice.
Salmon Of course, salmon happens to be one of the best fish options to eat if you want to get more Omega 3s on a regular basis.
It is easy to find salmon in most supermarkets.
King salmon, also known as Chinook salmon are some of the best.
They are caught from Alaska to California in the wild.
While you can eat farmed salmon, it often does not pack the punch that wild caught salmon can offer you.
Smelt It is pretty easy to find smelt in your grocery store's freezer section.
Usually they are already cleaned.
These are very small fish that are great for frying.
You can battery them and eat them just the way that you eat French fries and they'll give you a nice dose of Omega 3 fatty acids.
Anchovies Usually anchovies are found preserved, since they tend to quickly go bad.
If you are able to purchase some anchovies that are fresh, broil or grill them for a nice meal.
Anchovies that have been preserved are great for adding to pizza, tomato sauce, and more.
However, make sure you do not add to many or you may not like the flavor if it overpowers the rest of the food you are eating.
These are just a few of the best types of fish that you should be adding to your diet on a regular basis.
They all pack a large amount of Omega 3s in them.
Today it is recommended that you get 2-3 servings of fatty fish each week, so learn which options are the best and then find great ways that you can prepare them.
Vary your cooking methods to avoid getting bored with the same old recipes.
Experimenting with various spices and herbs can also be a great way to find new recipes you really enjoy.