Why Are You Not Losing Belly Fat Even Though You"re Trying?
There is a mistaken belief that you will not lose belly fat if you reach a certain 'fat point'.
This misconception is based upon the idea that everybody has a specific fat point where their body remains at a certain fat level that is normal for that particular individual.
But this is completely wrong.
While there are various different body types that are determined by our genes, the percentage of fat that we carry around in our body is not due solely to the genes that we have inherited.
It is due to the food that we have been eating from the beginning of our life to the stage where we are now and the amount of movement or activity that we do on a regular basis.
So, if you are trying to drop some weight but still not losing belly fat, what can you do? Fundamentally, to lose tummy fat you have to examine your chosen lifestyle and make adjustments.
The Reason You Are Not Losing Belly Fat.
If you trying to lose tummy fat, how many times do you say that you have finished lunch or dinner only to pick up another piece of food and eat it? Many people do this on a regular basis and they have programmed their mind to believe that there is always more to come simply by the actions that they are taking on a regular basis.
How often do you cut the cake in half with the intention to only eat that piece and then go and eat the other half right after? When you are cutting that cake you already know in your mind that you will be eating the rest and you are kidding yourself into thinking that the process of cutting it in half is somehow doing you some kind of good.
If you are constantly allowing yourself to fail by succumbing to additional food then you are training your belief system in a negative way and this begins to affect all aspects of your life.
And is the reason why you are not losing belly fat.
How To Lose Belly Fat.
If you have been over eating for a long period of time then your body will develop all the necessary requirements in the form of capillaries, connective tissues, hormonal levels and so on to support that point.
If you go on a crash diet your body will react to the fact that it sees an attack and will do all it can to maintain what it believes is the correct fat balance.
The maintenance can be in the form of a reduction in muscle tissue to save fat.
That's why crash diets do not work.
To lose tummy fat you need to change your eating habits for good so that they become normal for your body.
If you are trying to diet and you're not losing belly fat, you need to alter your life.
That means you have to ensure that you have certain foods in your house and certain foods out of your house.
You will have to arrange your routine so you can get regular exercise together with sufficient sleep each night, and has a little stress in your life as you possibly can.
Training your mind to recognize and accept the true reality of how to lose your stomach is one of the biggest obstacles for most people who are trying to lose weight.
Believe that you can do it and you will, there is no question about that.
What you believe is what you will get and this is especially true when you are trying to lose tummy fat.
This misconception is based upon the idea that everybody has a specific fat point where their body remains at a certain fat level that is normal for that particular individual.
But this is completely wrong.
While there are various different body types that are determined by our genes, the percentage of fat that we carry around in our body is not due solely to the genes that we have inherited.
It is due to the food that we have been eating from the beginning of our life to the stage where we are now and the amount of movement or activity that we do on a regular basis.
So, if you are trying to drop some weight but still not losing belly fat, what can you do? Fundamentally, to lose tummy fat you have to examine your chosen lifestyle and make adjustments.
The Reason You Are Not Losing Belly Fat.
If you trying to lose tummy fat, how many times do you say that you have finished lunch or dinner only to pick up another piece of food and eat it? Many people do this on a regular basis and they have programmed their mind to believe that there is always more to come simply by the actions that they are taking on a regular basis.
How often do you cut the cake in half with the intention to only eat that piece and then go and eat the other half right after? When you are cutting that cake you already know in your mind that you will be eating the rest and you are kidding yourself into thinking that the process of cutting it in half is somehow doing you some kind of good.
If you are constantly allowing yourself to fail by succumbing to additional food then you are training your belief system in a negative way and this begins to affect all aspects of your life.
And is the reason why you are not losing belly fat.
How To Lose Belly Fat.
If you have been over eating for a long period of time then your body will develop all the necessary requirements in the form of capillaries, connective tissues, hormonal levels and so on to support that point.
If you go on a crash diet your body will react to the fact that it sees an attack and will do all it can to maintain what it believes is the correct fat balance.
The maintenance can be in the form of a reduction in muscle tissue to save fat.
That's why crash diets do not work.
To lose tummy fat you need to change your eating habits for good so that they become normal for your body.
If you are trying to diet and you're not losing belly fat, you need to alter your life.
That means you have to ensure that you have certain foods in your house and certain foods out of your house.
You will have to arrange your routine so you can get regular exercise together with sufficient sleep each night, and has a little stress in your life as you possibly can.
Training your mind to recognize and accept the true reality of how to lose your stomach is one of the biggest obstacles for most people who are trying to lose weight.
Believe that you can do it and you will, there is no question about that.
What you believe is what you will get and this is especially true when you are trying to lose tummy fat.