Facts You Should Know Concerning Breast Enhancement
When do breasts stop developing? As a woman grows up and begins to mature and reaches puberty, the body begins to secrete a hormone called estrogen that is very particular to stimulate the development of breast tissue.
The pituitary gland is the one that dictates how much estrogen is going to be released and for how long.
Thus the size, fullness and shape of a woman's breast are something that is naturally beyond her control.
If the period is shorter than normal or the amount of the hormone is diminished the outcome is smaller than usual breasts.
After a woman hits teenage and goes beyond puberty the pituitary gland produces less and less estrogen and will pick up speed again when the woman becomes pregnant.
This time the purpose for the growth of the breast tissue is the body's preparation for lactation, to facilitate milk production when the baby comes along so breastfeeding is possible.
After that the hormones take a break again until such a time as when they are required if ever.
If up to this level a woman is dissatisfied with the shape, size and fullness of her breast, then she hasbreast enhancementalternatives that she could consider.
She could either go for plastic surgery to have implants filled in or go the natural way and trybreast enhancementpills.
Both procedures will produce results so we look at them so you can get to compare and contrast.
Surgery Breast surgery is the quickest of both procedures though you will have to bear with the high costs involved and of course some pain because a surgeon's knife is involved.
On average it takes about six months for a full recovery to take place.
Most patients will tell you about a change in the sensation of the in their breasts for a period after the surgery; either loss of sensation of hypersensitivity.
This is usually cause by nerve damage when the cut is made to insert the implant.
Other alternatives to consider Naturalbreast enhancementpills and creams are the second most popular option for a woman to consider.
The advantage of pills is that they are truly non-invasive and are completely pain-free.
They only people who may not freely use these pills are girls who are still undergoing puberty because for them, nature is still taking its course.
Once they are introduced in the system, they arouse the mammary tissues to begin development of the breast tissue where it had stopped.
These pills contain a phyto-estrogen, which is very similar to the naturally occurring estrogen, though they are extracted from plants and they enable the body to begin breast tissue growth.
The rate of breast development for users of pills will be greatly determined by body make up and individual metabolism but all in all there are changes for any woman to write home about.
Because they are natural supplements, there is no fear of any side effects for the users.
The pituitary gland is the one that dictates how much estrogen is going to be released and for how long.
Thus the size, fullness and shape of a woman's breast are something that is naturally beyond her control.
If the period is shorter than normal or the amount of the hormone is diminished the outcome is smaller than usual breasts.
After a woman hits teenage and goes beyond puberty the pituitary gland produces less and less estrogen and will pick up speed again when the woman becomes pregnant.
This time the purpose for the growth of the breast tissue is the body's preparation for lactation, to facilitate milk production when the baby comes along so breastfeeding is possible.
After that the hormones take a break again until such a time as when they are required if ever.
If up to this level a woman is dissatisfied with the shape, size and fullness of her breast, then she hasbreast enhancementalternatives that she could consider.
She could either go for plastic surgery to have implants filled in or go the natural way and trybreast enhancementpills.
Both procedures will produce results so we look at them so you can get to compare and contrast.
Surgery Breast surgery is the quickest of both procedures though you will have to bear with the high costs involved and of course some pain because a surgeon's knife is involved.
On average it takes about six months for a full recovery to take place.
Most patients will tell you about a change in the sensation of the in their breasts for a period after the surgery; either loss of sensation of hypersensitivity.
This is usually cause by nerve damage when the cut is made to insert the implant.
Other alternatives to consider Naturalbreast enhancementpills and creams are the second most popular option for a woman to consider.
The advantage of pills is that they are truly non-invasive and are completely pain-free.
They only people who may not freely use these pills are girls who are still undergoing puberty because for them, nature is still taking its course.
Once they are introduced in the system, they arouse the mammary tissues to begin development of the breast tissue where it had stopped.
These pills contain a phyto-estrogen, which is very similar to the naturally occurring estrogen, though they are extracted from plants and they enable the body to begin breast tissue growth.
The rate of breast development for users of pills will be greatly determined by body make up and individual metabolism but all in all there are changes for any woman to write home about.
Because they are natural supplements, there is no fear of any side effects for the users.