Concussion in the Pediatric Patient
Concussion in the Pediatric Patient
The patient reclines on the examination table with her eyes closed but sits up and is alert and oriented to person, place, and time when addressed. Her head is erect, normocephalic, and atraumatic, with symmetrical facies. She has no marks, lumps, or ecchymoses. Her neck is nontender and supple with full range of motion. Her pupils are equal and reactive to light and accommodation. No lid lag is present, her corneal light reflexes are equal, and her extraocular movements and visual fields are intact. Her funduscopic examination shows well-defined vessels and discs with no papilledema. She has symmetrical tone and strength in her upper and lower extremities. Her deep tendon reflexes are normal and symmetrical. Performance on finger-to-finger, finger-to-nose, and thumb-to-finger tests is intact, but results of a Romberg test are positive, and her tandem gait is unsteady. Her hearing is intact. Respiratory and cardiac findings are normal
Physical Examination
The patient reclines on the examination table with her eyes closed but sits up and is alert and oriented to person, place, and time when addressed. Her head is erect, normocephalic, and atraumatic, with symmetrical facies. She has no marks, lumps, or ecchymoses. Her neck is nontender and supple with full range of motion. Her pupils are equal and reactive to light and accommodation. No lid lag is present, her corneal light reflexes are equal, and her extraocular movements and visual fields are intact. Her funduscopic examination shows well-defined vessels and discs with no papilledema. She has symmetrical tone and strength in her upper and lower extremities. Her deep tendon reflexes are normal and symmetrical. Performance on finger-to-finger, finger-to-nose, and thumb-to-finger tests is intact, but results of a Romberg test are positive, and her tandem gait is unsteady. Her hearing is intact. Respiratory and cardiac findings are normal