Alternative Health - What Can You Do About Food Cravings?
Many people don't really give their diet much thought at all.
They go from meal to meal with no definite plan in mind.
If a food comes their way, they will eat it.
If they get hungry, they won't stop to consider what might be the best decision for what should go into their mouth.
This is a form of slow suicide.
If you had this attitude with your finances, where would you be after three months of spending money on whatever came your way? If you had this attitude with your children's education, were would they be? Would you drop them off at any old school in the morning and never try to find out what they were being taught? Would you allow them to watch any old television show at any time of the day and night? No matter which way you look at life, you will see that we all need a certain amount of discipline in every area of our life.
What goes into our mouth is no exception! When you have food cravings, you have to determine why they are occurring.
It's not enough to find a quick fix for them.
There are two primary reasons why people get food cravings: 1.
Is it because you ate a food high in sugar earlier in the day? When you eat foods high in sugar, it's possible that your insulin and blood sugar levels will be off kilter for the rest of the day.
Some experts say one incident of high insulin levels that was instigated by foods high in sugar or high on the glycemic index scale, will be enough to cause food cravings for the next 18 hours.
And as if that's not bad enough, did you know that these same experts say your body will also go on storing fat for the next 18 hours? This is worth mentioning: sugar is not just sweet, in addition to it's taste it has a drug like effect.
It affects your brain in much the same way as opiate drugs, eg.
morphine and heroin, although not as strongly.
This may help you to understand why you perhaps crave sugar, especially during times of stress.
Is it because your meal plans are irregular and you frequently skip a meal? Scientists have also discovered that if you start the day by skipping breakfast or eating a breakfast that is not nutritionally sound, then the rest of the day will be filled with food cravings.
It's just about guaranteed.
They go from meal to meal with no definite plan in mind.
If a food comes their way, they will eat it.
If they get hungry, they won't stop to consider what might be the best decision for what should go into their mouth.
This is a form of slow suicide.
If you had this attitude with your finances, where would you be after three months of spending money on whatever came your way? If you had this attitude with your children's education, were would they be? Would you drop them off at any old school in the morning and never try to find out what they were being taught? Would you allow them to watch any old television show at any time of the day and night? No matter which way you look at life, you will see that we all need a certain amount of discipline in every area of our life.
What goes into our mouth is no exception! When you have food cravings, you have to determine why they are occurring.
It's not enough to find a quick fix for them.
There are two primary reasons why people get food cravings: 1.
Is it because you ate a food high in sugar earlier in the day? When you eat foods high in sugar, it's possible that your insulin and blood sugar levels will be off kilter for the rest of the day.
Some experts say one incident of high insulin levels that was instigated by foods high in sugar or high on the glycemic index scale, will be enough to cause food cravings for the next 18 hours.
And as if that's not bad enough, did you know that these same experts say your body will also go on storing fat for the next 18 hours? This is worth mentioning: sugar is not just sweet, in addition to it's taste it has a drug like effect.
It affects your brain in much the same way as opiate drugs, eg.
morphine and heroin, although not as strongly.
This may help you to understand why you perhaps crave sugar, especially during times of stress.
Is it because your meal plans are irregular and you frequently skip a meal? Scientists have also discovered that if you start the day by skipping breakfast or eating a breakfast that is not nutritionally sound, then the rest of the day will be filled with food cravings.
It's just about guaranteed.