Business & Finance Careers & Employment

How to Write a Resume 101

    • 1). State your objective clearly at the top of your resume. Customize the objective to the job you are applying for.

    • 2). List your skills with bullet points. Mention skills that are relevant to the job you want. For example, if you are applying for an administrative assistant position, list skills such as typing and filing.

    • 3). Type your work history. Place your most recent jobs at the top of the list and older jobs near the bottom. Include your place of employment, position and responsibilities for each previous position.

    • 4). Mention personal achievements or awards that highlight your eligibility for the job. If you were an eagle scout, for example, this shows commitment and work ethic. Include career achievements as well, including recognition, advancement or awards.

    • 5). Discuss your education. Name the college you went to, the degree you received and the field you studied. Mention any honors, such as being in the top 10% of your class.

    • 6). Add your contact information to the header of your resume. Include your name, phone number, address and email address.

    • 7). Print your resume on heavier-weight paper. Use parchment paper or soft blues and grays to add a professional look to your resume. Avoid using plain white copy paper. Print several copies and take them along to interviews in case you are asked to provide them.

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