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U.S. Army Baton Training


    • Part of baton training is learning how to hold the baton in a way that will not result in it being taken away. The strap goes around your thumb, then wraps around the back of your hand. You then turn your hand and grab the baton, which gives you a very tight hold that can be quickly released if you need to use the baton.


    • Next, soldiers are taught the key stances. These include the following: parade rest, with the baton held horizontally across your body; the defensive position, with the baton held diagonally across your body; and the on-guard position, with the baton held vertically up your body and stabilized by your arm in front of your throat.


    • Finally, soldiers are taught where and how to hit from the second two positions. They learn fatal and non-fatal contact points, as well as the various hits: the short stroke, long stroke, butt-stroke and baton smash.

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