• 1). Convert your manuscript into a document file that can be uploaded to a self-publishing company. Go through the manuscript meticulously to correct grammar, spelling and all formatting.

    • 2). Format the front pages of the book. Look inside a similar type of book for ideas on the order of the pages. Typically there are one or two title pages, a copyright disclaimer is often positioned on the back side of the second title page. The publishing company will assist you in creating the correct information for this page.

    • 3). Create an acknowledgment page and a table of contents. Some people create a third, more minimal title page. All of the content on the front pages is designed to appear on the right side of the pages when you open the book. The exceptions are the copyright and possibly the table of contents if the book is quite long. Each chapter should also start on a right side or face page.

    • 4). Design or have an artist create an image for you to use for cover art. Some people choose to create art that can flow across the back, spine and front cover as a single image. Place the book title in the position you prefer for the front cover. Often the publisher will assist you in positioning the spine and back cover copy, as well as the ISBN number. You will need to provide back cover copy.

    • 5). Assemble all parts of the book. Contact a publisher oriented toward printing or formatting e-books for a percentage of the retail price of the book. Fill out the information the publisher requests. Upload your document and image files in the order the publisher requests. Many of these companies have designed their websites to make them user friendly. If you have a question, use their chat facility or call to talk to a person.

    • 6). Examine the review copy the publisher mails to you for approval. Note each problem carefully. Go through all of the pages to make sure nothing has been overlooked. Sometimes document files develop problems when they are formatted, so re-read the book for continuity. Request a second review copy after the corrections have been made.

    • 7). Check the second review copy carefully to make sure all of the corrections have been made. Typically the self-publisher will post an image of the book, sales price information and a shopping cart on their website for your book. Acquire the link to this page and send the link to all your friends, family members and fans. Some publishers also ask authors to provide a self photo and biographical blurb. Be prepared to provide this information to help market your book.

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