Business & Finance Finance

Eight Insider [spin]Tips-Suggestions-Guidelines[/spin] for Homebuyers

1. Be a Pre-Approved Buyer: A pre-approved buyer always has the [spin]advantage|benefit[/spin] in an offer situation. Becoming pre-approved is [spin]very|extremely|incredibly|exceptionally|especially|fantastically[/spin] [spin]easy|simple[/spin]: you [spin]complete|finish|finalize[/spin] your loan application with a credit check prior to beginning your home search [spin]process|procedure[/spin]. Pre-approval means that you have [spin]actually|essentially|truly|really[/spin] been [spin]approved|accepted[/spin] for the purchase by a lender, which gives you the edge in home purchase negotiating.
2. [spin]Beat|Defeat[/spin] The [spin]Competition|Contest[/spin] to The Best New Listings: The search [spin]process|procedure[/spin] can be both [spin]fun|amusing|enjoyable|entertaining|pleasurable|cool[/spin] and [spin]trying|tiresome|irritating|difficult|frustrating|demanding[/spin]. You will notice that some homes sell very [spin]fast|quick|swift[/spin] and others hang around for long periods of time. The [spin]best|top|greatest|finest|superlative[/spin] homes at the [spin]best|top|most excellent|finest|greatest|superlative[/spin] prices sell fast. Keeping on top of this is [spin]essential|necessary|important|critical|crucial[/spin]. Connect with a professional Real Estate agent that knows the market and keeps you updated.
3. Do The Research: Make yourself a "home value expert." Investigate the areas and price ranges for the kind of home you are looking for. Get a good idea of the price ranges these homes sell for and how long the market time is for them. Your agent is a [spin]great|majestic|splendid|grand|wonderful|excellent|terrific|cool|good[/spin] asset here.
4. Have Your Offer Presented in Person: Your agent represents you and your best interests. To adequately do this, make sure that your home offer is presented by them directly to the seller. The personal touch will give you the edge. Your agent also might pick up [spin]critical|significant|vital|important|essential|crucial[/spin] information during this meeting.
5. Prove That You Are a Serious Buyer: The best way to [spin]accomplish|complete|achieve|do[/spin] this is with strong earnest money. This might mean that you put 5% or more down to get the sellers attention.
6. Don't Go Crazy: Even in a hot market, be [spin]cool|calm[/spin] and calculated with your decisions. A [spin]knowledgeable|on the ball|expert|experienced[/spin] agent can really help you here. Your home purchase may be your single largest investment. It is important to make sure that you get the [spin]best|most excellent|greatest[/spin] deal possible. Overpaying now will make it harder to get your value back when you sell.
7. Keep Your Offer Simple and Clean: Make sure that your contract to purchase is simple, clean and not bogged down with unnecessary contingencies, especially repairs. Keep the time frames of repairs and responses to a minimum. The cleaner your offer, the more interested the seller will [spin]become|develop into|grow to be|turn out to be[/spin]. This may help you [spin]purchase|buy[/spin] the property at the best price.
8. Don't Wing It Alone: What you need most in today's complex marketplace is an [spin]experienced|knowledgeable|skilled[/spin] and [spin]professional|expert|specialized|proficient|skilled|trained|practiced|certified|licensed[/spin] real estate agent who represents your interests only. No matter how heated the competition or the negotiations, a professional agent will represent your best interests, keep you from paying too much and help you maximize your investment.

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