Home & Garden Cleaning & Laundry

How to Lift Oil Stains From Hardwood Flooring

    • 1). Blot up any liquid with paper towels. If you catch the stain while it's still fresh, you may be able to remedy the problem without the need for heavy solvents. After blotting up every bit of liquid possible, mop the floor with your regular hardwood-floor cleaner.

    • 2). Soak a soft cloth in hydrogen peroxide and place it directly on top of the stain. Hydrogen peroxide is a natural, color-safe bleaching agent. If the oil stain covers a large area, you may require additional soft cloths.

    • 3). Soak a soft cloth in ammonia and place it directly over the first cloth or cloths. This combination of peroxide and ammonia can safely and effectively lift oil stains from hardwood floors. Leave the cloths on top of the oil stain for several hours, or until all traces of the stain disappear.

    • 4). Remove the soft cloth and rinse your hardwood floor with a water-dampened cloth. Do not pour water directly over the hardwood, as excess moisture may lead to warping; rinse with just enough moisture to remove the chemicals and any remaining stain residue from your hardwood floor.

    • 5). Apply a second coating of peroxide and ammonia if any traces of the stain remain. Rinse your floor again. Buff the area dry to prevent mineral deposits from forming on the surface of the wood.

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