Phoenix Document Management Software Improves Government Service
They say what goes up must come down. The challenge is yours to help pick up the pieces when it does. Financial structures and long standing industries may waver, but government must stand strong to serve the people. Governments must serve more people than ever before with less - less staff, less money, less resources. It's time to let Phoenix document management software help lighten the load.
Phoenix document management software takes the most time-consuming, paper-based tasks of government service and makes them easier. From optimizing intake paperwork to automating permitting processes, to providing secure constituent self-service, Phoenix document management software saves hundreds of hours of busy work every week. Staff no longer have to provide the same information to multiple systems, files or people. They can access all documents from one central location, instead of from various agencies, state systems and records rooms.
Without replacing existing systems, Phoenix document management software gives old technology new life. It bridges the gap between those systems and the transparency requirements of today. It also helps protect institutional knowledge, and prepare for the near future when 50 percent of staff is due to retire. Better processes mean better constituent service
Put Public Works in the Fast Lane
When a water main breaks in the middle of downtown, nothing else matters except fixing the geyser - immediately. But after the drama subsides, the questions come from all directions. Why did this happen? What do we do to prevent this in the future?
How well and quickly you respond is the difference between public trust and public scrutiny. By integrating with your existing GIS system, Phoenix document management ensures your staff doesn't need days or even hours to find the answers people need. It takes only minutes.
Within their familiar GIS or asset management system, staff can instantly pull up not only the asset data, but also every bit of documentation that exists. From safety and maintenance forms to engineering CAD drawings to planning committee minutes, Phoenix document management software puts documents into the hands of those who need them.
And Phoenix document management software keeps approvals and projects moving. Critical paperwork doesn't stall on someone's desk. No more looking through drawers and drawers of file cabinets for the most recent blueprint or work order. Documents are available right from the Web, at a moment's notice. Eliminating the paper shuffle means more time for public service.
• Lower costs with better collaboration and shorter project cycles
• Reduce risk with better project visibility
• Extend the value and useful life of asset management systems
From arrest to parole, connect documents and processes for better service
If you were to ask a roomful of police officers what their biggest challenge is, what do you think the answer would be? Too many career criminals working the system? Or too many forms to fill out and maintain?
What do you think a prosecutor or public defender's answer would be? Overwhelming case loads? Or insufficient access to information?
The answer is all of the above. And paper is the culprit throughout the justice continuum. But there is a solution. Phoenix document management software first enables officers to fill in an incident report and have it automatically update both the RMS and case management systems. Then, right from a secure Web page, any prosecutor, judge or public defender can easily pull a case file from any county agency, exactly when they need it.
Release the paperwork shackles from your best and brightest. Give them the information they need at a moment's notice and let them focus on what they do best. Getting the bad guys.
• Ensure judges, prosecutors and officers have the totality of information to make the best decisions
• Eliminate RMS backlogs and missing or damaged reports
• Support the full lifecycle of documents from intake to RMS import
• Reduce court costs and docket backlogs
Contact your local document management company for more information about their Phoenix document management software and services.
Phoenix document management software takes the most time-consuming, paper-based tasks of government service and makes them easier. From optimizing intake paperwork to automating permitting processes, to providing secure constituent self-service, Phoenix document management software saves hundreds of hours of busy work every week. Staff no longer have to provide the same information to multiple systems, files or people. They can access all documents from one central location, instead of from various agencies, state systems and records rooms.
Without replacing existing systems, Phoenix document management software gives old technology new life. It bridges the gap between those systems and the transparency requirements of today. It also helps protect institutional knowledge, and prepare for the near future when 50 percent of staff is due to retire. Better processes mean better constituent service
Put Public Works in the Fast Lane
When a water main breaks in the middle of downtown, nothing else matters except fixing the geyser - immediately. But after the drama subsides, the questions come from all directions. Why did this happen? What do we do to prevent this in the future?
How well and quickly you respond is the difference between public trust and public scrutiny. By integrating with your existing GIS system, Phoenix document management ensures your staff doesn't need days or even hours to find the answers people need. It takes only minutes.
Within their familiar GIS or asset management system, staff can instantly pull up not only the asset data, but also every bit of documentation that exists. From safety and maintenance forms to engineering CAD drawings to planning committee minutes, Phoenix document management software puts documents into the hands of those who need them.
And Phoenix document management software keeps approvals and projects moving. Critical paperwork doesn't stall on someone's desk. No more looking through drawers and drawers of file cabinets for the most recent blueprint or work order. Documents are available right from the Web, at a moment's notice. Eliminating the paper shuffle means more time for public service.
• Lower costs with better collaboration and shorter project cycles
• Reduce risk with better project visibility
• Extend the value and useful life of asset management systems
From arrest to parole, connect documents and processes for better service
If you were to ask a roomful of police officers what their biggest challenge is, what do you think the answer would be? Too many career criminals working the system? Or too many forms to fill out and maintain?
What do you think a prosecutor or public defender's answer would be? Overwhelming case loads? Or insufficient access to information?
The answer is all of the above. And paper is the culprit throughout the justice continuum. But there is a solution. Phoenix document management software first enables officers to fill in an incident report and have it automatically update both the RMS and case management systems. Then, right from a secure Web page, any prosecutor, judge or public defender can easily pull a case file from any county agency, exactly when they need it.
Release the paperwork shackles from your best and brightest. Give them the information they need at a moment's notice and let them focus on what they do best. Getting the bad guys.
• Ensure judges, prosecutors and officers have the totality of information to make the best decisions
• Eliminate RMS backlogs and missing or damaged reports
• Support the full lifecycle of documents from intake to RMS import
• Reduce court costs and docket backlogs
Contact your local document management company for more information about their Phoenix document management software and services.