Health & Medical Pain Diseases

Top 7 Tips To Ease Knee Pain

Imagine for a moment, life without knees.
You could not drive a car or ride a bicycle or climb a flight of stairs.
And how would your doctor test your reflexes, by hitting you on the elbow with his little mallet? Without question, knees do have certain advantages.
But they are also prone to problems.
Sports such as running, skiing, and basketball do their share of damage to delicate knees.
But even everyday activities such as scrubbing floors can cause problems.
When knees hurt, it is most often a sign of overuse syndrome.
Knees also suffer fractures, sprains, and bruises.
In addition, they are a common target of arthritis.
Here are some tips that you can consider to adopt to relieve your pain.
Become A Pedal Pusher To stay in shape while protecting your knee, nothing beats a session on a stationary bicycle.
Your knee can tolerate the range of motion that pedalling puts it through, and there is no impact.
It also gives a good workout to the inner portion of the quadriceps.
Be sure to set the bicycle's tension at medium so that it causes no discomfort in your knees.
It is also recommended adjusting the seat so that your knees are slightly bent when the pedals are closest to the ground.
Sit Pretty When it comes to knee pain, it is not only how long you sit but also the way you sit that can cause problems.
In particular, be wary of any position in which your knees are very flexed.
If you have to sit for a long time, find a way to straighten your leg to disengage the kneecap from its groove and relieve the pressure.
Add Support To Your Shoe An over-the-counter shoe insert can help relieve pain by taking pressure off your knee.
It is especially helpful if you have fallen arches or you overpronate.
Overpronation means you tend to walk and stand on the inside of your foot more than you are supposed to.
Take Baby Steps Once your knee is feeling better, return to your normal routine gradually.
You should experience no pain at all when going about your daily tasks before you try to do something more stressful, like play a sport.
When you feel as though you are ready to take on a more strenuous activity, discontinue any painkillers that you may have been taking.
That way, you will know if you are overdoing it because the medication is not masking your pain.
Cut Back Limit any activity that might aggravate your knee.
Obviously, you will want to restrict your participation in running and other bone-jarring sports at least temporarily.
But you should also avoid prolonged sitting, and opt for elevators and escalators over stairs.
Upsize Your Thighs You can protect your knee against future injury by strengthening the thigh muscle known as the quadriceps.
It is recommended to try out this simple exercise called lunges.
Step forward, bending the lead leg at the knee.
Keep the back leg straighter.
Hold for about 10 seconds.
Return to original position, then repeat with the other leg.
Do three sets of 12 to 15 repetitions per leg every other day.
Don't Lock Up Locking your knees puts unwelcome pressure on an already-aching joint.
Try bending your knees just a little when you stand.
At first, you will feel as though you are squatting, even if you have moved only a fraction of an inch.
But if you look at yourself in a mirror, you won't even notice it.
The more you do it, the easier it will become.
It is much better for your knees in the long run.

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