How to Tame Your Toddler
- 1). Communicate with your toddler before going out in public, to an event or doing any sort of activity. Discuss the proper way to behave and why it is important, such as for the child's safety. Also reiterate what the discipline or punishment will be for bad behavior or unnecessary tantrums, as well as any type of reward for acting appropriately. Be specific with what you will or will not tolerate.
- 2). Be realistic about your expectations; kids at this age are very intelligent and aware of their surroundings, but are still growing and developing. Take her learning capabilities and understanding into account.
- 3). Move your toddler to a more private setting during a fit or tantrum and allow him time to let out the anger or frustration. Sometimes kids just need a moment to get it all out before they become calm. Ignore the fits on occasion so as to not give him the attention he might be trying to get out of you.
- 4). Be consistent with your discipline and punishment for bad behavior such as having temper tantrums, being aggressive with other children and other undesirable actions. Follow through with your discipline and be sure that your spouse, babysitter and any friend or family member who spends time with her acknowledges your form of discipline such as putting her in the corner for time out.
- 5). Say "no" sternly to your toddler when he behaves badly or aggressively and send him to time out. You want to make the point that what he is doing is wrong without being aggressive yourself, as this will set a bad example.
- 6). Reward good behavior often to reiterate the importance of behaving in a kind and polite manner. This will encourage future behavior as she learns the difference between right and wrong and what the consequences are.