How To Make The Penis Larger
Can you really make the penis larger? Of course, many men are skeptical about male enlargement.
And rightly so since the first pills and creams that came out did not work.
But technology developed quite a bit over the last few years, and there are now clinically proven methods which are guaranteed to make your manhood larger and thicker permanently.
To date, there are three methods which have the clinical studies to back them up.
The first of these is penis enlargement surgery.
This involves cutting the ligament which attaches the male organ to the pelvic bone.
However, this method is very expensive, and the results are not guaranteed.
This way can add up to an inch of penile length to the male.
But after that an extender or traction device must be worn in order to keep the ligament from re-attaching itself to the bone.
In addition, the angle of erection is not what it used to be.
Erections will point downward instead of up like before the operation took place.
Also, another procedure is required to add girth to the penis.
This usually involves injecting fat from another part of the body into it.
However, some of this will be reabsorbed into the body making the male organ look uneven or "lumpy".
Surgery is definitely not the safest method of male enlargement.
Secondly we have exercises.
Even though the penis is not a muscle, it will still respond in a similar manner when worked out.
Stretching causes the body to respond by building cells in the appropriate area much like muscles become larger as they recover from the stress of physical activity.
Clinical proof also exists which validate penis exercises as permanent male enhancement.
The drawbacks with exercises are that you must perform them correctly and with the proper intensity to see size gains.
Also, plateaus are reached and the workouts must be varied in order to keep achieving the desired results.
Not to mention that you must stay motivated and dedicated even though you have to do the work yourself.
Finally we have the penile extender or traction device.
Orthopedic surgeons have used this medically accepted principle to lengthen both soft tissue and bones.
The benefits of this are that its easier to stay motivated when all you have to do is apply the device and let it do the work for you.
If there is one disadvantage, it would be that the device must be worn for many hours at a time to get the desired results.
But a traction device is the safest, easiest way to make the penis larger forever.
The size gains that can be achieved are directly related to the amount of traction force and the amount of time the device is worn.
The time issue is easily solved by finding the most comfortable extender which will allow you to wear the device on your member as long as you need to.
It also helps if you have control over the amount of traction force so that you can be as comfortable as possible in your permanent penile enlargement efforts.
And rightly so since the first pills and creams that came out did not work.
But technology developed quite a bit over the last few years, and there are now clinically proven methods which are guaranteed to make your manhood larger and thicker permanently.
To date, there are three methods which have the clinical studies to back them up.
The first of these is penis enlargement surgery.
This involves cutting the ligament which attaches the male organ to the pelvic bone.
However, this method is very expensive, and the results are not guaranteed.
This way can add up to an inch of penile length to the male.
But after that an extender or traction device must be worn in order to keep the ligament from re-attaching itself to the bone.
In addition, the angle of erection is not what it used to be.
Erections will point downward instead of up like before the operation took place.
Also, another procedure is required to add girth to the penis.
This usually involves injecting fat from another part of the body into it.
However, some of this will be reabsorbed into the body making the male organ look uneven or "lumpy".
Surgery is definitely not the safest method of male enlargement.
Secondly we have exercises.
Even though the penis is not a muscle, it will still respond in a similar manner when worked out.
Stretching causes the body to respond by building cells in the appropriate area much like muscles become larger as they recover from the stress of physical activity.
Clinical proof also exists which validate penis exercises as permanent male enhancement.
The drawbacks with exercises are that you must perform them correctly and with the proper intensity to see size gains.
Also, plateaus are reached and the workouts must be varied in order to keep achieving the desired results.
Not to mention that you must stay motivated and dedicated even though you have to do the work yourself.
Finally we have the penile extender or traction device.
Orthopedic surgeons have used this medically accepted principle to lengthen both soft tissue and bones.
The benefits of this are that its easier to stay motivated when all you have to do is apply the device and let it do the work for you.
If there is one disadvantage, it would be that the device must be worn for many hours at a time to get the desired results.
But a traction device is the safest, easiest way to make the penis larger forever.
The size gains that can be achieved are directly related to the amount of traction force and the amount of time the device is worn.
The time issue is easily solved by finding the most comfortable extender which will allow you to wear the device on your member as long as you need to.
It also helps if you have control over the amount of traction force so that you can be as comfortable as possible in your permanent penile enlargement efforts.