Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Tips for a Chewing Dog


    • Gums become extremely sensitive when a puppy is teething. Puppies in this developmental stage chew primarily to relieve the pain of teething. This phase can be very destructive as a puppy hasn't fully learned what is appropriate for them to chew.

      Manufacturers make a number of different items geared specifically for teething puppies. For example, Nylabone sells teething rings and keys for puppies to chew. These toys are made of a safe material and some are infused with bacon flavor to encourage chewing. Try freezing rubber toys or tug ropes to give added comfort. The cold toy will help numb your puppy's gums.


    • Dogs of all ages chew for entertainment. Teaching a dog to chew on designated toys and bones requires persistence and patience on the part of the owner. Start by keeping personal objects out of your dog's reach. Begin training as early as possible and never let a dog chew on a personal item just because the item is old. Your dog won't be able to tell the difference between your old shoes and your new ones.

      Make sure you have objects available for your dog to chew. Sterilized bones or toys with treats inside will encourage your dog to chew appropriately. Use positive reinforcement whenever possible. Praise your dog when you find it chewing on the correct item. If you find your dog chewing on something it should not be chewing, tell it "No" firmly, and replace the object with one of your dog's chew toys.


    • Boredom is one of the most common reasons a dog will chew. Providing your dog with opportunities to exercise is an excellent way to prevent boredom. Physical activity helps to mentally stimulate a dog and releases pent-up energy. Dogs that are tired are less likely to chew destructively.


    • Dogs begin to worry and chew at objects when they are anxious. An anxious dog might look for objects that smell like its owner. Chewing is fun and a dog will find the action reassuring.

      Anxiety chewing typically occurs when a dog is home alone. Consider crating your dog if it is having trouble behaving while unsupervised. Work with your dog using positive reinforcement and exercise to teach positive chewing behavior.

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