Family & Relationships Family & Relationships

If Your Child Is Smoking Cigarettes, They Could Be Headed For Other Troubles As Well

Do you have any children? Are they really young or are they young teens? Do you really want them smoking cigarettes or even the other nasty stuff? When you were growing up the only thing that you had to smoke were cigarettes but now marijuana is also everywhere. These kids even have all of the other drugs that most of you never even heard of. All of these are so much worse than the cigarettes, but we need to make them understand that just because these cigarettes are not as bad, they will still hurt them. Many young people start out smoking cigarettes because all of their friends are doing it, but before long they will often follow other things their friends do too.

You as parents now days have more things to worry about when it comes to the subject of trying to keep your kids safe. There are so many things besides cigarettes that your child can come in contact with and you need to be informed about all of the signs that can come from their uses. You can find some of this information by getting in touch with your police, social services, or go on-line to check out some of their web-sites. There are so many different signs that a person that you may know is smoking cigarettes or worse, that you really need to study up on these signs. This way you might be able to help.

If a child is smoking cigarettes, they later might try other things as well. If you tried marijuana in your younger days you would be able to tell the difference in the smells. Most of you will not know the other signs or the side effects of any of the other unless you check out this information. You all love your children, so learn the signs and symptoms of cigarette and drug users before you accuse them of doing any of these things even cigarettes.

If you are like most of us you, really want what is best for your children. Sometimes they think you are being over protective and just too nosy and of course they will fight back in some cases by tooth and nail. If you do find out that they are using any of these items, try to help them any way you can to get them to quit. Cigarettes are definitely bad enough, but if you discover your child or teen is using other drugs, check with your doctor and law enforcement agencies to get their opinion as to what to do first. Then you will want to go from there.

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