Home & Garden Architecture

Stone Kitchen Countertop Solutions


    • Natural stone is often used in countertops for a number of reasons. Natural stone is luxurious, stain-resistant, durable and low-maintenance. Some stone surfaces, such as slate, are very hard; glassware should always be placed gently onto hard stone to avoid breakage.


    • Some stone options are more porous than others, meaning that the countertop may need to be sealed prior to use to avoid staining. Additionally, acidic foods such as tomato juice, lemon juice and vinegar will actually etch into the surface of some porous stones. A sealer applied every two or three years will prevent the stone from being stained or etched.


    • Cleaning a stone countertop is a simple procedure and does not require special products. A pH-balanced cleaner that is biodegradable, creating a food-safe surface, and a soft cloth are all that is needed. Avoid vinegar-based and abrasive cleaners, as these will dull the stone's surface.

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