Health & Medical Diet & Fitness

How Are Eggs Hard Boiled?

    • 1). Place as many cold eggs as you wish to eat into a saucepan in a single layer.

    • 2). Add water to the saucepan so the eggs are covered by about an inch of cold water. Place the sauce pan on a cook stove. Turn the heat to high under the pan.

    • 3). Wait for the water to boil, and when it reaches the boiling point, remove the pan from the heat and let the eggs sit in the hot water. This helps avoid the gray ring that often forms around the yolk, according to the Egg Farmers of Ontario.

    • 4). Set a timer for 18 to 20 minutes if you have large eggs, slightly less if they are smaller.

    • 5). Remove the eggs from the water once the timer goes off, and immediately run them under cold water. Roll the eggs gently on your countertop and start peeling at the large end of the egg.

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