Don"t Bully My Child
School bullies are a national problem in America's school systems.
Bullies can be found in elementary, junior, and high schools.
A bully also lacks interpersonal skills and chooses to displace their aggression onto another person.
It's anti-social behavior.
A new breed of bullies have emerged.
They are referred to as "brat bullies".
These bullies are usually seen as spoiled, and they believe the world should revolve around them.
A lack of discipline is the issue at hand here.
Parents, teachers, and students should take bullying seriously.
The possibility of violence is real.
Also, bullying isn't gender specific.
Girls are just as capable as bullying as boys, they just use different tactics.
Boys usually resort to physical violence.
Girls inflict psychological pain by calling their targets names, starting rumors, gossiping, backbiting, or excluding them from groups or parties etc.
Psychological abuse can be just as devastating as physical abuse.
Some of the effects of psychological abuse are eating disorders, ulcers, depression, and suicide.
Teen suicide is on the rise.
I've experienced bullying first hand with my daughter.
In high school, she was threatened with violence and had her car keyed because she wouldn't give a girl a ride home.
Now the girl, who asked for a ride, was not a friend.
She wasn't even friendly toward my daughter, but she expected my daughter to drive her around.
There were a group of 3 - 4 girls involved in the clique.
After involving the school officials and the local police department, the reasons that the bullies gave for disliking my daughter were geared toward material possessions.
Bullies usually choose victims that they perceive as vulnerable in some respect.
Bullies are not limited to children who come from the projects, poverty, low income, broken homes or suffer from low self-esteem.
Bullies can be wearing the latest fashions, engage in the latest technological trends, and be raised in middle to upper class homes.
Beware! If your child displays any of the following signs, they may be having problems with a bully: o Afraid to walk or ride the bus to school o Feeling ill in the morning, and not wanting to go to school o Asking for extra money or starts to steal o Starts bullying siblings o Stops eating or starts eating excessively o Poor grades o Cloths torn or dirty o Starts stammering o Crying themselves to sleep at night o Crying before going to school o Attempts or mentions suicide o States that they hate themselves o Withdraws from activities that they previously enjoyed o Nightmares Let your child know that not everyone will like them, but they don't have to put up with abuse.
Notify school officials of your concerns, and ensure that proper action is taken to safeguard your child.
This article may be copied or reproduced in its entirety.
Credit must be given to the author.
Bullies can be found in elementary, junior, and high schools.
A bully also lacks interpersonal skills and chooses to displace their aggression onto another person.
It's anti-social behavior.
A new breed of bullies have emerged.
They are referred to as "brat bullies".
These bullies are usually seen as spoiled, and they believe the world should revolve around them.
A lack of discipline is the issue at hand here.
Parents, teachers, and students should take bullying seriously.
The possibility of violence is real.
Also, bullying isn't gender specific.
Girls are just as capable as bullying as boys, they just use different tactics.
Boys usually resort to physical violence.
Girls inflict psychological pain by calling their targets names, starting rumors, gossiping, backbiting, or excluding them from groups or parties etc.
Psychological abuse can be just as devastating as physical abuse.
Some of the effects of psychological abuse are eating disorders, ulcers, depression, and suicide.
Teen suicide is on the rise.
I've experienced bullying first hand with my daughter.
In high school, she was threatened with violence and had her car keyed because she wouldn't give a girl a ride home.
Now the girl, who asked for a ride, was not a friend.
She wasn't even friendly toward my daughter, but she expected my daughter to drive her around.
There were a group of 3 - 4 girls involved in the clique.
After involving the school officials and the local police department, the reasons that the bullies gave for disliking my daughter were geared toward material possessions.
Bullies usually choose victims that they perceive as vulnerable in some respect.
Bullies are not limited to children who come from the projects, poverty, low income, broken homes or suffer from low self-esteem.
Bullies can be wearing the latest fashions, engage in the latest technological trends, and be raised in middle to upper class homes.
Beware! If your child displays any of the following signs, they may be having problems with a bully: o Afraid to walk or ride the bus to school o Feeling ill in the morning, and not wanting to go to school o Asking for extra money or starts to steal o Starts bullying siblings o Stops eating or starts eating excessively o Poor grades o Cloths torn or dirty o Starts stammering o Crying themselves to sleep at night o Crying before going to school o Attempts or mentions suicide o States that they hate themselves o Withdraws from activities that they previously enjoyed o Nightmares Let your child know that not everyone will like them, but they don't have to put up with abuse.
Notify school officials of your concerns, and ensure that proper action is taken to safeguard your child.
This article may be copied or reproduced in its entirety.
Credit must be given to the author.