Suffering From Blog Fatigue - Kill It Now
Most of the bloggers are part time and suffer severely from blog fatigue.
m How many times do you find that you have been too busy with your job, spouse, family and other such things and just dont feel like blogging? Quite often...
Kill it before it kills you!!! Here are some easy ways to help you overcome the problem..
Post a link list article.
Have you read some good articles recently? Put together a list of the best of what you have been reading.
This style of post is quick and easy to put together and is also a great way to build relationships with other bloggers.
Contact the authors of the articles you are linking to and let them know they have been featured.
You never know you just might get some return "linkage.
" 2.
Read and Cross-link old posts.
This is something you should do periodically anyway, but it is also great to do when you are running out of ideas.
I have found that through this process I always get new ideas for articles.
Take the time to put some links to some of your newer content in older related content.
This will also help in finding some other related articles and chances for linking to the older posts.
Recycle an old post.
Now if you have read over your old posts and done some cross-linking and still haven't found some new inspiration, then this is a great idea.
The key is to pull from posts about 3 months old, and don't just leave it the same way.
Re-work it a bit.
Add a new picture element, change the title, add some links, update with some recent experiences, but don't just leave it the same.
Give Your Blog a mini makeover.
You don't need to change your template or anything drastic.
Little tweaks can make a big difference.
Change some colors around, add a new widget or plugin.
Things like this can help break through the blog boredom.
If you feel your blog is looking better it helps motivate you to produce.
Write a review.
I know for me that sometimes even when I'm not inspired to write something I can still review a money making program, affiliate program, or another blog.
Pick a smaller blog, someone who has commented on your blog, or added you to their technorati faves, someone that is connected to your blog in some way and has their own blog.
I'm sure they wouldn't mind a free review.
Of course you will need to probably make it at least neutral :) to positive.
Don't blast another blog that isn't nice! If you don't have another blog to review write one about an affiliate program you are involved in, or a money making opportunity you have been successful at.
Reviews are simply your thoughts and feelings on and impressions of something and so are fairly easy to do even during times of blog fatigue.
If you feel that doing so much is too much for me then just make a note of these things and break them down into parts.
Try to follow them one by one in a step by step method.
This never fails.
m How many times do you find that you have been too busy with your job, spouse, family and other such things and just dont feel like blogging? Quite often...
Kill it before it kills you!!! Here are some easy ways to help you overcome the problem..
Post a link list article.
Have you read some good articles recently? Put together a list of the best of what you have been reading.
This style of post is quick and easy to put together and is also a great way to build relationships with other bloggers.
Contact the authors of the articles you are linking to and let them know they have been featured.
You never know you just might get some return "linkage.
" 2.
Read and Cross-link old posts.
This is something you should do periodically anyway, but it is also great to do when you are running out of ideas.
I have found that through this process I always get new ideas for articles.
Take the time to put some links to some of your newer content in older related content.
This will also help in finding some other related articles and chances for linking to the older posts.
Recycle an old post.
Now if you have read over your old posts and done some cross-linking and still haven't found some new inspiration, then this is a great idea.
The key is to pull from posts about 3 months old, and don't just leave it the same way.
Re-work it a bit.
Add a new picture element, change the title, add some links, update with some recent experiences, but don't just leave it the same.
Give Your Blog a mini makeover.
You don't need to change your template or anything drastic.
Little tweaks can make a big difference.
Change some colors around, add a new widget or plugin.
Things like this can help break through the blog boredom.
If you feel your blog is looking better it helps motivate you to produce.
Write a review.
I know for me that sometimes even when I'm not inspired to write something I can still review a money making program, affiliate program, or another blog.
Pick a smaller blog, someone who has commented on your blog, or added you to their technorati faves, someone that is connected to your blog in some way and has their own blog.
I'm sure they wouldn't mind a free review.
Of course you will need to probably make it at least neutral :) to positive.
Don't blast another blog that isn't nice! If you don't have another blog to review write one about an affiliate program you are involved in, or a money making opportunity you have been successful at.
Reviews are simply your thoughts and feelings on and impressions of something and so are fairly easy to do even during times of blog fatigue.
If you feel that doing so much is too much for me then just make a note of these things and break them down into parts.
Try to follow them one by one in a step by step method.
This never fails.