Health & Medical Nutrition

Natural Sources of Prebiotics

Now a day, many people have been on a health kick.
This means that they are trying to be as healthy as possible because they have realized that the American lifestyle is not a healthy one.
Eating foods such as fruits and veggies are a great way to keep your body as healthy as possible.
Also lean meats such as chicken and fish are important sources of protein.
We here are glad to say that eating healthy has totally changed our lifestyle and how we feel about ourselves.
The best thing is that eating healthy can really benefit your digestive system.
This is because when we put healthy food into our digestive tract it tends to work much better.
What you put in is definitely what you get in return.
In this article, we are going to speak about how eating healthy can definitely give you some prebiotic benefits as well.
Many times the people who have the healthiest diets tend to be getting the most prebiotic powers as well due to what they eat.
We will explain to you what exactly can be used as a natural source of prebiotics and how it will benefit you.
Fruits are a great way to get prebiotics.
Many fruits are extremely high in prebiotics so you can be sure you are getting the best benefit from it as possible.
We love fruits such as apples, bananas, and grapes.
Many people depend on fruits when they are eating healthy because they are a natural source of sugar, and we want to make sure that we are only putting natural sugar in our body.
Fruits are easy to purchase and you can find organic ones at many stores now a day.
If we were you, we would stick to using only organic because that is the best you can get when it comes to buying fresh fruit.
Also many produce and farmers market have great deals on fruits and also contain many organic fruits.
Organic means that there are no pesticides used on it and everything is natural.
We do not want to put toxins in our body from pesticides.
Veggies are another extremely popular natural food that contains prebiotics.
We love veggies because they are so versatile.
Veggies can be used in many different meals, as a garnish, as a side dish, or even as the main dish.
Raw onions, beans, and chicory root are all very high in how much prebiotic are present in them.
We recommend buying these and all you're other veggies at a farmers market as well, or somewhere where there is an organic section.
This way you are getting the best possible veggies for yourself.
If you want to get a ton of prebiotic, try making a shake.
Add Greek yogurt, spinach, bananas, and some other fruits and veggies for a great prebiotic shake that will be sure to make your digestive system extremely happy.
Unrefined grains are another great way to get in all of the prebiotics that you need.
Unfortunately many people are eating white breads which are not healthy for the body.
Any type of grain that is white means that it is bleached, which can cause extreme harm to our colon.
Finding unrefined grains is the way to go, and they also contain a ton more prebiotics than white grains.
Brown rice, whole wheat pasta, multi grain bread, and whole grain bread is definitely the way to go when trying to get a natural source of prebiotics.
We enjoy these foods because they are great carbohydrates but they are so much better for you versus white grains and breads.
Stick to unrefined and we are sure you will see better results with how your digestive system reacts.
If you want to get the best prebiotic benefit out of them all, and want to get it naturally, listen up.
We have found that there is one fruit in particular that is so high in prebiotics and it is also called a super food.
Of course we are talking about kiwi fruit! This green succulent fruit has been known to be extremely high in prebiotics and it also has many other health benefits for our body as well.
It does leave a lasting mark on our digestive system because it helps to nourish the bacteria naturally found there so they can reproduce at a normal healthy rate.
But it also has other benefits for our body that many people tend to not be aware of.
Health benefits of kiwi fruit are never ending.
First of all, other than helping your digestive tract, kiwi fruit helps to keep your immune system working in tip top shape.
It really helps to make your immune system strong so you can be totally protected at all times.
It also helps to keep our skin looking and feeling its best as well and helps to reduce acne.
It helps to reduce acne because our digestive tract is finally becoming healthier again.
When we have a healthy digestive tract we tend to see our skin and blemishes clear up quickly.
If you tend to feel bloated a lot, you can also eat more kiwi fruit.
Kiwi fruit helps to minimize how bloated we are so we do not feel so heavy when this happens.
Kiwi fruit also helps to eliminate how much toxic waste ends up in our large intestine.
This is important because many times we develop a large amount of toxic waste in the large intestine that is from digestion.
Kiwi fruit helps to avoid this problem all together.
Kiwi fruit can also give you a ton more energy which is good if you are lacking energy levels in the body and are feeling fatigued.
Lastly, kiwi fruit can help you regulate your bowel movements and help you use the bathroom much more regularly than you are right now.
Give kiwi fruit a try because it is the best prebiotic that is natural that you can get today!

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