Health & Medical Lose Weight

How to Think and Grown Thin

Have you tried over and over again to lose weight but are still stuck in that same battle? Maybe it's time you change your thinking.
I'm going to explain to you how to think and grow thin.
As with anything that happens to you in life, it all starts with the way you think, your psychology that is.
The Issue: Miss Focus...
When people want to lose weight, normally the main thing they think or talk about is "losing weight".
For example, they will tell their family - "I am trying to lose weight".
So straight away they're are using a negative word "lose", and what you're potentially doing is aiming for losing.
Losing the battle! Law of attraction states that if you focus on the thing that you don't want...
you get more of it.
So what are you doing in that case? Yes, focusing on what you don't want.
Think of statements that you may say to yourself such as "Oh I really shouldn't eat that as I am trying lose my excess weight.
" This is negative language, and your focus is tending towards getting more of what you don't want and this is what happens -> negative focus = lack of (negative) actions = negative results.
Here are examples of other negative word goals/statements: "By 1st of January 2009 I will have lost 100 pounds" "I can't wait to lose that final 6 pounds" "I am on a diet and trying to get rid of my fat" The Fix: Switch it around! What is it that YOU WANT to be? for example - "I am a thin and trim 140 pounds and can't weight to hit the beach this summer.
" Using statements in a positively worded and present tense will help you shift your focus to getting what you want, not what you don't want.
When you're focus is on what you want, you'll automatically do the actions necessary to get whatever it is that you want, such become that slim, fit and health person ready to show off your new beach body.
Here are examples of other positive word goals/statements: "It's the 1st of January 2009 and I am lying on the beach with my new slim and healthy body" "I have an 82cm waistline" "I am now a healthy 75kg and I can eat great tasty healthy foods" Don't sabotage your efforts in losing weight by the way you think.
If you start to consciously think the correct way now, you will begin to subconsciously think of what you want always, regardless of what it is, creating more self empowering action.
Simple! Here are the results when you start to think and grow thin -> Positive focus = positive actions = positive results.

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