Health & Medical Medicine

Advantages of Stem Cell

Stem cells that are pluripotent have the capability of forming virtually all the possible tissue types found in human beings. These cells can only be found in a particular stage in human embryos. Multipotent cells are partially differentiated, so that they can form a restricted number of tissue types. It provides medical benefits in the fields of therapeutic cloning and regenerative medicine.It provides great potential for discovering treatments and cures to a plethora of diseases including Parkinson's disease, schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease, cancer, spinal cord injuries, diabetes and many more.Scientists and doctors will be able to test millions of potential drugs and medicine, without the use of animals or human testers. This necessitates a process of simulating the effect the drug has on a specific population of cells. This would tell if the drug is useful or has any problems.
Stem cell research also benefits the study of development stages that cannot be studied directly in a human embryo which sometimes are linked with major clinical consequences such as birth defects, pregnancy-loss and infertility. A more comprehensive understanding of normal development will ultimately allow the prevention or treatment of abnormal human development.
It holds the key to reversing the effects of aging and prolonging our lives. It has already found many treatments that help in slowing the aging process and a bonus of further research is a possible 'cure' for aging altogether. Risks would be quite reduced because patients' bodies would not reject their own cells.Stem cell rejection is less during when using cord blood as cord blood has not been involved in an immune reaction. tem cells have an important benefit for the pharmaceutical field. They can replace or repair any damaged tissue, they have the potential to tackle degenerative diseases, from Alzheimer's to cancer, from diabetes to heart disease, to leukaemia and sight loss. A stem cell is capable of developing into other types of cells, like kidney cells, liver cells, heart cells, etc. These circulate and function to replace dysfunctional cells, naturally maintaining optimal health. Out of the three types, two are able to develop into any type of cell within the human body.These two are called totipotent and pluripotent respectively.
Stem cel that are pluripotent have the capability of forming virtually all the possible tissue types found in human beings. These cells can only be found in a particular stage in human embryos.

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