Business & Finance Social Media

Facebook Open Graph - SEO for Facebook

Facebook Open Graph is the future of online advertising.
The more social votes a website receives the more traffic it will get.
It is this principle of social approval that is the basis of Facebook's ability to determine social trends and to afford social scores to internet content that exists outside the Facebook brand.
Just like Google was 6 years ago, the whole social media thing is still "under construction" with Facebook clearly taking a leading role in the final product.
Just like Google has done and continues to do, Facebook is defining its Standards for acceptable content and its own Search Engine Optimization protocols.
The most difficult aspect of being an online entrepreneur is keeping up with the changes that DIRECTLY affect your business.
More often than not you as the site owner are already busy promoting your business, capturing leads, designing, redesigning and generally running your business.
so keeping ahead of the social media curve can be a time-consuming and daunting prospect.
Fortunately Facebook is making this process less time-consuming and far, far easier by introducing a concept they are turning "Open Graph".
Facebook "Open Graph" is essentially SEO for Facebook.
But this is based upon social integration and social connections that you create within Facebook.
It is this Social connection concept that is at the core of Facebook's SEO protocol.
The mechanism for gauging this social connection is the "Like button" everyone associates with Facebook, and the relatively new concept of Facebook comment streams which are becoming the norm on blogs and news sites.
Mark Zuckerberg is the founder of Facebook, and at a recent conference he revealed that in North America its highly possible that between 60% and 70% of website visitors are also Facebook users.
So this essentially means that 3 out of every 4 people who visit a website have the capacity to make recommendations to their social circles on content they find as they browse.
This was the key to the development of the Social vote system that is the Like and social comment movement.
This is also the corner stone of the Open Graph concept that is now under full steam at Facebook.
So what can a simple 'LIKE" button do to make your current website even more powerful as a measure of social interaction? If we take Google as an example, it uses back links to rate the value that any specific page has based upon the number of other pages from different websites that point to that page using a link.
The more links that point to a page the more relevant that content appears to be in the eyes of Google.
Facebook has refined this concept of popularity and turned that into social recommendations.
The popularity of content as measured by Facebook is based upon the number of social votes or "Likes" that a page has or the number of social comments being left by differ registered users on that page.
However its not quite that simple.
Facebook is measuring these against objects on the page such as specific images, movies, books and other tangible elements that people are more likely to vote on that the page itself.
there is a reason for this, which should come as no surprise.
Facebook is setting up a pool of data that is tailored to YOU the person and is gathering your specific social interactions with a single goal in mind, advertising.
As an example of how this might work lets consider a scenario; You visit a website that is a movie review site and you "Like" a review on a particular movie.
And you do this routinely for 6 months.
Facebook recognises that you like movies, and more importantly what particular movie types, actors, directors that are common to those movies.
Then very slowly over time, the type of advertising that appears on the right hand side of each Facebook page you visit has advertisements tailored to those specific movie types.
Aimed directly towards your personal preference and tastes.
This entire process is the basis of this "Open Graph" and in short it is the gathering of your social and personal traits and preferences as you brows the web clicking and approving products and services as you go, recommending these via your Facebook profile to your closest social contacts.
As a business owner, can you see the power of this for your business.
This is the future of advertising and its power and potential are staggering.
I recommend you begin to incorporate these Facebook social elements like social commenting and the "Like" button on every site you own.
Then let the social vote drive your traffic.

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