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The 5 Bullets That Can Explode Your Lyf Mlm Business.

How Important Is "How" Rather Than What.... You have to get grasp of the fact that when you bring someone into your LYF business and don't show them how to market the only thing you have given that person is a problem. It doesn't matter how good the company is. This is what I like to consider as the how factor. It is important to provide how to take advantage of the business opportunities that the companies are offering rather than being caught up in what the company is. This is a problem that I see most marketers run into and is a problem I work tediously to prevent.

Any rep that you bring into this company is not looking to be sold a dream.

If you can produce more results than you produce hype then that ]will carry you as far as you need to go in this industry my friend. Being able to put your form of success into something that someone else can copy and apply and replicate for their business is a very important advantage to have in any for of internet marketing. This is how the top earners in the game are able to do it again and again. Now lets break down this amazing MLM company.

How Good Do You Know Your Company...... Knowing your company is very important being that people enjoy partnering up with people who know what goes on when it comes to marketing their MLM companies. The first place you want to start with getting to know your company is knowing the compensation plan. Please keep in mind that the compensation plan is a good way to understand how marketing the company the correct way can benefit them. It should however never be used as sales pitch. This is commonly the downfall of most MLM network marketers.

This company's compensation plan is divided up into eight sections which your rep can use to grow their business:

1. Assuming the associate position you gain retail profit from sales to customers (this is the difference between sale and retail pricing.)

2. Associates earn a weekly commission from new personally sponsored associates that are trained to make their first sale within 30 days of an immediate sign up.

3. Associates can earn a LYFLINE commission for additional sales made by associates in their down line based on a qualified rank.

4.Partners and above a Partner Achievement Commission (PAC)

5. Global Partner 2 Star and above can earn shares of the Global Bonus Pool.

6. Global Partner 5 Star Bonus Pool.

7. Global Partners that maintain their qualified rank for 10 consecutive years earn a Partner Lifetime Achievement in LYF.

Your Target Market. The Most Important Thin You Must Be Aware Of...... Your probably wondering why how come there are some many great companies out there and a lot of marketers are failing miserably. I can tell you that one of the main causes for people not being a success in MLM is because they don't know how to tell the difference between some one who does qualify to be involved in your business opportunity and some one who does not. Just because you have an amazing product an an amazing company doesn't mean that every one is going to want to join. You have to focus your efforts on recruiting the people who are interested in your business opportunity.

This is the main reason why you always hear that you shouldn't go after family members and friends. Unless your family members consist of top earner marketer who can build a massive down line in a 24 to 48 hour period you should avoid doing it. It is not even a matter of family and friends. Its all about presenting your business opportunity to people who are already interested in LYF and MLM marketing on the whole.

Understanding The Dangers Of Company Replicated Websites......When you go online and you market a company as big as this you need to stand out. You cannot accomplish this integral necessity with a company replicated splash page. Just think about how many other people who belong to the same company you are in that are using company replicated websites as well. Those other people who belong to LYF as well are your competitors in obtaining the best success from this company.

When you use a company replicated website and capture page that maybe 120,000 other people are using you leave a very great margin to allowing yourself to be dominated by competition that is too fierce.

Having An Attraction Marketing System In Place To Secure Your Success.......Think about what it is you want out of this company for yourself. You want to be able to have more leads than you have time. You want leads to join you not because of your company but for the knowledge that you can offer them to dominate their business. You want to attract leads to you in droves so that you can be laughing to the bank to collect your company check. Your success all lies in you learning how to market and learning the laws of attraction when dealing with these type of companies.

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