Health & Medical Cancer & Oncology

What is Cancer?

Our body organs and tissues are made up of cells.
These cells act as building blocks.
Cancer is the disease of these cells.
Cells present in our body may look or work differently but they reproduce themselves in the same way.
There is a specific cycle of cells life in our body in which they gradually become old and than die.
In the same new cells are produced in our body.
In general these cells divide and grow in an orderly manner.
When the cells display division beyond there limit which leads to uncontrolled growth of cells.
This further leads to intrusion and destruction of adjacent tissues.
This uncontrolled growth cells is called Cancer.
In medical term cancer is also called as malignant neoplasm.
These cancer cells can spread to other parts of body through blood or lymph this is known as metastasis.
There three malignant properties of cancer which differentiate it from benign tumors are, they are self limited they do not invade or metastasize.
When these cells grow abnormally they start making lumps which is called tumors.
Most of the cancers form tumor but cancers like leukemia does not form tumors.
Tumors can broadly be specified into two forms, benign tumor or malignant tumor.
Malignant tumors are called cancers.
Tumor is identified by doing biopsy; in this the infected cell is examined under a small microscope.
In Benign tumor cells do not spread themselves into other parts of body.
However if the tumor keep on growing, it may suppress other organs surrounded to it.
This can lead to problems.
On the other hand malignant tumor spread themselves to other parts through blood or lymph.
If such tumor left untreated it may spread and infect other organs of the body by making more tumors these new tumors are called secondary cancer or metastasis.
The two ways in which these cells get transformed is bloodstream or lymphatic system.
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