Health & Medical Food & Drink

Not As Complicated As It May Seem

In reference to food, don't be confused thinking that because it is consumed that it is food.
In some cases, nothing can be farther from the truth.
Food, in its truest, most basic form is nourishment.
It's medicine.
It sustains life.
It strengthens us.
It keeps us healthy.
This is true, not only in a physical sense--what we feed our bodies, but also, metaphorically, this can be said for some of the things we feed our minds and spirit.
Food for thought: If what we consume, physically or otherwise, we are not better for having consumed it, then it's not really food.
For lack of a better term, it's garbage.
There are many points of view.
There are many "diets" and food plans.
It's daunting to say the least.
Just because it's called "safe", does that mean it's really food? Keep it simple.
If it comes directly from an animal or a plant, it's probably safe.
Of course, there are exceptions but nature probably does a better job of providing food than we as humans.
The problem arises when humans begin tampering with nature.
With the addition of preservatives and other chemicals, and alterations that we now call GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) and a slew of other processes such as hydrogenation, perhaps you can see the real problem.
That's only the tip of the iceberg.
Add profit and capitalism to the mix and we've got a mass of confusion masked as marketing.
Some of the marketing terms that are nothing more than misunderstood ploys do nothing but confuse people: Non-fat, low-fat, fat-free, sugar-free, diet, healthy, all natural, low-carb, gluten-free, and organic.
Add to that all the food plans and "diets", coupled with the fact that many doctors and dietitians don't really know what's good for us.
What's a person to do? Who are we supposed to listen to? The answer is simple but not easy.
Listen to your body.
Do your own research and learn about what you're putting in your body.
If you're overweight, have a medical condition, don't feel well, or don't look well, consider looking more closely at what you're eating.
Organic is probably best.
It's not to say organic is always healthy.
There is a lot of organic garbage on the market.
However, all things being equal, organic is probably better than non-organic.
The food itself may be exactly the same, but the organic food has been processed in a cleaner and safer manner every step of the way, assuming fraud is not involved.
There are no chemicals, organic animals have been raised and fed organically, and organic plants have been planted and grown organically.
Read labels.
Generally, the more ingredients, the more chance it's been altered by humans.
If the ingredients are unpronounceable or unrecognizable, and you don't specifically know what they are, avoid them.
More food for thought: In the U.
, what's considered "safe" perhaps really means it has not yet been proven unsafe.
Think about it.
That's scary!

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