Health & Medical Adolescent Health

Surviving a Teenage Girl

The moment I laid eyes on her I was instantly inlove. She was and is so beautiful lying in my arms. As I lay in the hospital bed the light shone through the window and gently fell warmly on her face. How could I ever love a human being so much? Her smell, her skin, oh, so amazing. Touching her face, her hands, so soft. Thankyou God is all I could hear myself saying...
My baby girl...

Backup backup... where has the time gone. In my head I can hear the breaks coming to a screeching halt. ARRRRRHHHHHHHHHHH. What is this! A teenager.! A tiger! A rebel! A posesser of evil glares and under the breath digs and corrections. Are you hearing me? Oh I know you are. Let us explore how to live with a teenage girl together.
Firstly always be on guard. Never expect consistency. For instance just the other night my daughter and I had a great time together. We shared chocolate and watched a movie and all was alright in the world. I kissed her on the forehead and said goodnight before she went to bed. Oh my goodness, what, who, hey! Did I get up in the night and hit her over the head with a sharp spiky club. I don't think so. I walked into the den of a bear that morning. "Get out!" "Oh my God you are so inconsiderate!". "Stop loOKing at me!" Can you PLEEEEASE shut my door!"

What to do in these situations:
Run and don't loOK back. Don't comment. Hide for about 30 minutes. After that it this is what you will hear. "Hey Mum, what's for breakfast?" "You know I really love it when you make me pancakes." I don't know why this happens it just does.

Secondly what is yours is every ones and what is theirs is ONLY theirs! Your scarfs, hats, makeup, shoes, (not clothes because they are really gross), hair accessories and skin and nail products are for sharing. Never ever hide them or place any ownership over them. Now... what your teenage daughter has in her room (I say in her room because once it goes in their room it IS hers), is NEVER ever to be touched, borrowed of loOKed at. That is all I have to say on this subject. I can't talk about this subject anymore because it is too scary. Just don't touch it OK!

Lastly you need to know that when you enter into the teenage world you will be these things. Mean, strict. Actually you will be the strictness parent in the world. You will be embarrassing, weird, have no idea about fashion, boys, parties, alcohol, drugs, the internet or social media and you will definitely need a lot of help to present yourself in public. So I suggest you start seeking therapy on building your self esteem now. It will help. I have an appointment Wednesday I think. I better check that.

Seriously and honestly my only advice on how to live with your teenage girl is this. Always listen and always be there to hold them. They will throw the darts at you. They will want you to go away but DON'T! They love you the most. They will lash out at you the most. From the moment you saw your baby girl she saw you. That bond will never be brOKen. The gift God gave you was unconditional. You have a baby girl, a teenage girl and a soon to be a women. I never understood teenage years and your daughter doesn't either. Just be there to hold her like the day you first met.

I wanted to write an article about my website and I thought to myself well what can I write about. To be totally honest with you I had no idea. You have to be a top marketer to write an article and sell from that. Now if you visit my website so be it, but if you don't just enjoy my article. I really enjoyed writing it. The only thing my website has in common with my daughter is it is cosmetics. She wants to be a makeup artist when she is older. She is really good too! She loves my website. When I think of things on my website I think of my baby girl. So there you have it. An attempt to promote my business but all i could think of was my girl. So really nothing changes does it? When you loOK at your teenage girl you still see that beautiful baby you feel in love with all those years ago. And you always will!

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