Home & Garden Architecture

How to Build a Soundproof Wall

    • 1). The top and bottom plate of the wall will be made from 2x6s. The key to building a soundproof wall is to offset the 2x4 studs in the wall. Place the first on the front edge of the 2x6.

    • 2). Move 16 inches and place the next 2x4 stud on the back edge of the 2x6s. Continue this alternating pattern to the end of the soundproof wall. This way when the drywall is placed there will be no studs that are touching both sides of the wall, and thus cannot conduct sound easily, making it soundproof.

    • 3). Once the studs are in place begin putting up drywall on one side of the soundproof wall. Connect the drywall only to the studs that are even with that side of the soundproof wall.

    • 4). Take a 3 1/2" thick unsurfaced insulation blanket and mold it around the offset studs. It should go in front of the stud attached to the drywall and behind the studs that aren't connected.

    • 5). Now hang drywall on the other side of the soundproof wall you are building.

    • 6). Caulk any gaps Where the wall meets the ceiling or floor to keep the wall from allowing air to flow around it and hinder the soundproofing.

    • 7). The wall you have built is soundproof to the point of loud speech. To make it even more soundproof you can hang 1/2 soundboard over the drywall. This will make the wall as soundproof as any home wall can be.

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