Employ Basic Social Media Marketing Techniques For Improved Response
How many times have you clicked on a specific direct marketing message from a distant friend or marketer? It would be my assessment that less than 1% of the people will click on a link from a social media marketer or distant friend.
For me to follow a link I need to know the person who sent it to me and I must respect that person as an authority figure of some character.
Since 99% of the people will not click on a direct marketing link from people they do not know why would you waste your time sending direct marketing message to Facebook Friends and twitter followers? It would appear to me that it is a waste of time to direct market to social media sites.
You tend to loose friends and the respect of the very people you wish to work with or have buy from you.
You must use basic marketing techniques when marketing within all social media sites.
It is all about the content that you provide to your friends and followers.
Mask your marketing message within the content or allow your friends to stumble upon your links in your bio.
Stop direct marketing to your friends on Facebook and twitter.
Follow the social media behavioural standards and use indirect marketing methods to get your message out.
Convince people that you are an authority in your respective market.
Get them to buy from you or join your MLM opportunity through content; articles, video and e-books are great content items to use to brand yourself as that authority.
Once you can make people believe that you are an authority you will be able to simply continue to develop more content and people will buy from you.
Take it from me that it is a lot easier to develop content then to sell someone a product or service.
Most people do not like to be sold, so if you provide them content they will sell themselves which is much, much simpler and provides a long lasting customer to your business.
For me to follow a link I need to know the person who sent it to me and I must respect that person as an authority figure of some character.
Since 99% of the people will not click on a direct marketing link from people they do not know why would you waste your time sending direct marketing message to Facebook Friends and twitter followers? It would appear to me that it is a waste of time to direct market to social media sites.
You tend to loose friends and the respect of the very people you wish to work with or have buy from you.
You must use basic marketing techniques when marketing within all social media sites.
It is all about the content that you provide to your friends and followers.
Mask your marketing message within the content or allow your friends to stumble upon your links in your bio.
Stop direct marketing to your friends on Facebook and twitter.
Follow the social media behavioural standards and use indirect marketing methods to get your message out.
Convince people that you are an authority in your respective market.
Get them to buy from you or join your MLM opportunity through content; articles, video and e-books are great content items to use to brand yourself as that authority.
Once you can make people believe that you are an authority you will be able to simply continue to develop more content and people will buy from you.
Take it from me that it is a lot easier to develop content then to sell someone a product or service.
Most people do not like to be sold, so if you provide them content they will sell themselves which is much, much simpler and provides a long lasting customer to your business.