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Denture Adhesive Poisoning

Denture adhesive is responsible for granting a greater quality of life to many older folks.
In fact there are approximately 35 million denture users in the United States alone.
Recently more and more attention is being paid to the exact results of using denture cream products and possible negative side effects of prolonged exposure.
What's Causing the Problem? The problem with the popular denture adhesives on the market today is that they contain Zinc.
The Zinc in the product helps reduce odor and acts as an aid in adhesion.
Zinc is a normal part of the working human body and when in balance does little to harm a person.
However, when too much is ingested "zinc poisoning" occurs and the individual suffering from it experiences some very negative and potentially perminent problems.
The FDA has released statements suggesting that the amount of Zinc in cream products are within the safe bounds of use.
However it is also empahsized that the product must be used "as directed".
Perhaps it is from misuse, or perhaps it is a problem with the product itself that the companies have not properly specified, but multiple users of the product are coming forward with symptoms of Zinc poisoning when there is no other problem with them that would indicate how they got their current condition.
Doctors have conducted exhaustive tests and realized the only excess Zinc being absorbed into the body of certain patients was through their denture adhesive.
Thus we see two sides to the story, and a complicated place for patients to be in.
What Are the Symptoms of Zinc Poisoning? To know if you or a loved one is suffering from the same kind of poisoning as other denture cream users, we must examine some common symptoms.
They are as follows: * unexplained muscle weakness * numbness/loss of sensation * tingling and pain * loss of balance and coordination * "glove and stocking sensation" (the feeling of wearing thick gloves or slippers) Serious neurological problems including neuropathy are associated with zinc poisoning.
If left untreated, it can be deadly.
More on Neuropathy Neuropathy is a serious condition that effects the nervous system of the body.
Symptoms of neuropathy are similar to the ones described above, but can also include problems with blood pressure, heart rate, constipation, and sexual dysfunction.
These symptoms are a direct result from an over-abundance of zinc in the body potentially from denture cream over-use.
Sadly, many of the symptoms described are found in many other disorders and neuropathy due to zinc overload is often overlooked as a possible cause.
If you or a loved one is suffering from some of these symptoms, be certain to let your doctor know about denture cream use and have zinc and copper levels checked.
What You Need To Know About Denture Cream Lawyers Denture cream manufacturers have failed to warn consumers that their products are potentially toxic and can cause serious neurological problems.
Because of this failure to warn, companies could be held accountable for the damages and suffering their products have caused.
Lawyers are currently filing denture cream lawsuits to ensure that the victims of denture cream zinc poisoning receive compensation for their injuries.
If you or a loved one have used denture cream and have developed Zinc poisoning or Neuropathy, you may be entitled to compensation.

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