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Would Mitt Romney Make a Good President? The REAL Truth About The 2012 Presidential Election

Is Mitt Romney a good choice for President of the United States of America? Would he lead us with confidence and conviction, or by poll and public opinion? Is he a good opponent for President Obama, or will his nomination lead to a landslide victory for the incumbent? It's amazing to me how many people have such strong opinions on both sides of the fence when it comes to Mitt Romney, and his ability to faithfully lead our country.
Regardless of your political affiliation, he is what we DO know for fact about the Republican hopeful.
He has LOTS of experience in both business, and politics alike.
As a successful businessman (and millionaire many times over) no one could argue that he knows what he's doing when it comes to financial success, and leading an organization.
He was a surprisingly well liked Governor by BOTH parties when he led the state of Massachusetts.
(a decidedly liberal State by the way..
where he was, and remains popular, even though the majority of the populace is democrat) He is devoutly religious, and a committed Mormon.
His family has a long history in public service, and his father was a well known Governor, and politician in Mitt's youth.
We also know that much of the public persona that we see on TV and in the media is, much like all other politicians in the public eye..
only a small piece of his true personality.
Ironically, in a small way, Mitt Romney's public personality problem reminds me a bit of Al Gore and his failed bid for President a decade ago.
Known to be a funny, engaging and energetic guy behind the scenes..
Vice President Gore came across as stiff and too smart for this own good to ever be able to bond with the "people", and his chances to become President went down the tubes as a result.
Many feel Romney has the same problem...
and his private charisma and charm seems to stiffen up when the cameras are rolling.
In the final analysis, I actually think Mitt Romney would make a great president.
I think he has his shortcomings, and I certainly don't agree with all of his positions, but I think if elected, he would do a good job and lead this country well.
He is smart, principled and hard working..
and I think any fair and objective look at his history demonstrates that for sure.
He is also, I do believe..
a good person as well.
(something that has come up a bit over the last few days, in light of high school "hijinks" that may not have been so nice...
and may ultimately end up hurting him more than we know) I can honestly say I look forward to this election more-so than any other in recent memory.
We have 2 articulate, attractive and enthusiastic candidates who both seem up to the task...
and while I have my own personal preference, I do believe we'll be in good hands come 2013, either way.

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