An Overview Of Methods To Quit Smoking Successfully
People decide to quit smoking for a myriad of reasons and, for every reason, there seems to be a different method or product to help people accomplish their goal of not smoking. The repercussions of smoking in terms of both health and finance have become increasingly well-known, encouraging a growing number of smokers to give up.
Some groups or individuals believe they have discovered approaches to giving up smoking that make it easy or even pleasurable but, for the majority of smokers, quitting is a tough process involving periods of tetchiness and discomfort.
As a result of this, there are many groups, pharmaceutical companies and other organisations that have developed products and methods designed to alleviate withdrawal symptoms and improve the success rate for people giving up smoking. Nicotine replacement patches and gum have proved very popular in quitting smoking, while acupuncture and hypnotherapy have also shown positive results.
Extensive scientific research into nicotine and the nature of this substance addiction mean that, today, we have a more comprehensive understanding of the psychological and behavioural traits of being addicted to nicotine. As a consequence, more and more people are accepting that they need to understand their habit and the associations they make with smoking.
For some people, it is easier to gradually wean themselves off nicotine than to give up 'cold turkey'. This can be done either by reducing the number or the strength of cigarettes smoked on a daily basis. Alternatively, there are some new gadgets on the market that actually lower the amount of nicotine that goes into the lungs and reduces this over a four-phase approach. This method is successful for some but depends on the exact nature of the person's addiction.
With herbal products becoming increasingly widespread, it is no wonder that there is a multitude of natural products aimed at helping people kick the nicotine habit. These range from herbal tobacco and cigarettes to detoxification programmes aimed at flushing the drug from the body and helping people cope with feelings of apprehension or tension that are often associated with quitting.
Other substances, such as vitamin pills or antioxidants, can also help the body cleanse itself more quickly and therefore reduce the body's dependence on nicotine more quickly. Other techniques that involve controlled breathing and relaxation methods, like yoga or meditation, can also be effective in removing cravings. For some it is easier to replace the cigarette with either chewing gum or liquorice roots, although this method does not deal with the triggers associated with smoking so may not always be very effective.
Fruit and vegetables are excellent for good health in any circumstance, and no less so when it comes to giving up smoking. Fresh produce accelerates the pace at which nicotine is flushed from the system and can also reduce cravings at specific times.
Exercise is also a useful way to help reduce cravings and combat feelings of irritability. As the heart rate increases, so endorphins are emitted along with other chemicals that stimulate the brain and help to reduce nicotine dependence.
No matter what initially made up decide to quit smoking, there is bound to be some method or therapy that will prove successful in helping you attain your goal of being a non-smoker.
Some groups or individuals believe they have discovered approaches to giving up smoking that make it easy or even pleasurable but, for the majority of smokers, quitting is a tough process involving periods of tetchiness and discomfort.
As a result of this, there are many groups, pharmaceutical companies and other organisations that have developed products and methods designed to alleviate withdrawal symptoms and improve the success rate for people giving up smoking. Nicotine replacement patches and gum have proved very popular in quitting smoking, while acupuncture and hypnotherapy have also shown positive results.
Extensive scientific research into nicotine and the nature of this substance addiction mean that, today, we have a more comprehensive understanding of the psychological and behavioural traits of being addicted to nicotine. As a consequence, more and more people are accepting that they need to understand their habit and the associations they make with smoking.
For some people, it is easier to gradually wean themselves off nicotine than to give up 'cold turkey'. This can be done either by reducing the number or the strength of cigarettes smoked on a daily basis. Alternatively, there are some new gadgets on the market that actually lower the amount of nicotine that goes into the lungs and reduces this over a four-phase approach. This method is successful for some but depends on the exact nature of the person's addiction.
With herbal products becoming increasingly widespread, it is no wonder that there is a multitude of natural products aimed at helping people kick the nicotine habit. These range from herbal tobacco and cigarettes to detoxification programmes aimed at flushing the drug from the body and helping people cope with feelings of apprehension or tension that are often associated with quitting.
Other substances, such as vitamin pills or antioxidants, can also help the body cleanse itself more quickly and therefore reduce the body's dependence on nicotine more quickly. Other techniques that involve controlled breathing and relaxation methods, like yoga or meditation, can also be effective in removing cravings. For some it is easier to replace the cigarette with either chewing gum or liquorice roots, although this method does not deal with the triggers associated with smoking so may not always be very effective.
Fruit and vegetables are excellent for good health in any circumstance, and no less so when it comes to giving up smoking. Fresh produce accelerates the pace at which nicotine is flushed from the system and can also reduce cravings at specific times.
Exercise is also a useful way to help reduce cravings and combat feelings of irritability. As the heart rate increases, so endorphins are emitted along with other chemicals that stimulate the brain and help to reduce nicotine dependence.
No matter what initially made up decide to quit smoking, there is bound to be some method or therapy that will prove successful in helping you attain your goal of being a non-smoker.