Business & Finance Careers & Employment

7 Smooth-Sailing Tips for People Who Want a Job or Career Change

If you are one of those many people stuck with a job that you don't like, then, it is time to think about a career or job change.
No time is bad time to change job or career, but sticking to a job you don't like is really bad.
The earlier you get out of it, the better it is for you.
But don't do it before you prepare yourself, and that includes conditioning your mind for accepting challenges and facing hardships.
The first challenge you will face even before you quit your present job is fear.
Overcome fear and at least half of your work is done.
Here is how to prepare for a job or career change.
  • Do not keep procrastinating; the more you start to think about the challenges you foresee, the more reasons you will find not to change job.
    Remind yourself again and again that the older you grow, the tougher it gets to change and adapt.
    The first important step therefore is taking a firm decision to quit your present job.
  • Fear will hold you back from doing what is right.
    Remember that most fears of changing to a new job are ill-founded and have no basis.
    Write down a list of challenges you will face - taking care of your family during the change, paying for your home rent, meeting mortgage commitments, car loans, children's education, your abilities to adapt in a new environment...
    For each challenge you foresee, write down a contingency plan.
    Note that it is important to reduce everything into writing; it will help you when you actually face them.
  • Find something that will interest you.
    To quit a job is easy, but you need to decide what to do next.
    Let the next job be something that you love from within your heart.
    It can even be a hobby you have now - photography, traveling, career counseling, teaching a language, writing for the internet, freelancing, teaching mountaineering, organizing weekend programs for kids...
    and so on.
    There is really no dearth to the kind of work you will be able find in the internet.
    Choose one that fascinates you most.
  • Prepare the ground work.
    If you already have the skills, well and good, but you may not be fortunate enough.
    If you love photography for example, you may want to learn to work on software, handling cameras or processing photographs.
    If you love to cook, you may want to consider joining a cookery training institute to teach you cook ethnic food.
    If you love to take to tourism, you can join a specialized institute that provides training.
    You can begin to work on weekends to gain experience.
    There are limitless opportunities that beckon the bold.
  • Financial strains are more like to attack you than any other difficulty.
    If you don't have enough resources to meet your financial needs immediately after you quit, you are jeopardizing your position.
    You cannot sustain a life on loans and borrowings.
    You can consider foreclosing your home mortgage and selling off the property and moving to a rented home, or even request a rescheduling to make your mortgage burden easier to manage.
    You can consult a professional financial counselor who will be able to recommend solutions for you.
  • Discuss with your spouse the possibilities of taking you off your responsibilities in managing the home while you acclimatize in a new career or job.
    You can always resume your responsibilities once you have settled down with a new career.
    Your spouse can consider taking up a part-time job perhaps.
    If you have grown up children, they too can work in the evening.
    Before you decide, ask your family to commit themselves to a plan.
  • Network with people who are already into the job or career you plan to take up.
    They will be able to tell you more about the nitty-gritty of their profession they are already into.
    Jumping from one job you don't like into another and discovering that you don't like it either can have a bad effect on you, and your morale.
    Your morale and enthusiasm is what will keep you going until you have stabilized.
    So it is important to keep it intact at all times.
Smart people have discovered that employment agencies are great places to discuss career or job change.
They keep a tab on businesses that have opening for new employees.
It can help you immensely.
Most skills fit in many different businesses.
For example if you teach history or geography, you will make a great travel guide or a travel writer for example.
Discuss different possibilities with your manpower agency company; they may even come up with something very fascinating that you have never known before.

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