Interior Bifold Door Hang Instructions
- 1). Center the header track, an assembly allowing the doors to slide open and closed, at the top of the doorway or closet. Pencil in marks where the screws will go, and then drill starter holes for the screws. Starter holes use a drill bit slightly smaller than the screw, drilled the entire length of the screw. If the bifold kit includes a separate track for each door, line up the tracks so they meet and pencil in your starter holes. Drive the track screws into the starter holes to secure the tracks to the top of the doorway.
- 2). Tighten the pivot bracket 1/4-inch from either end of the door frame using a Phillips screwdriver. The pivot brackets contain a hole for a peg, enabling the doors to swing open and closed while sliding in the header track. Fasten the string of the plumb bob to one of the top pivots so the weight hangs an inch above the floor. The weight shows where the floor pivot must be installed. A carpeted floor will not provide enough support for the bottom pivot. In this case, use a 1-inch woodblock for support, aligning the woodblock against the door-frame and beneath the plumb bob weight.
- 3). Cut away the carpet in the shape of the woodblock using a utility knife. Lay the piece of wood into it and secure the block with a wood screw. Next, install the bottom pivot bracket onto the woodblock. Be sure the plumb bob lines up properly with the bottom pivot peg hole, and screw the bracket into the block of wood. Repeat for both doors.
- 4). Tap the nylon guide pins into the holes at the top corners of the doors. These pins fit into the pivot bracket in the slider track. Use the hammer to tap lightly. Next, tap the adjustable pivots into the bottom of the doors. Fold the doors in half and insert the top pivot pin into the top bracket, fitting the pin inside the hole. Then lift the bottom of the door and put the bottom adjustable pivot into the bottom pivot bracket. Adjust the door so it is 1/4-inch from the door frame by moving the bottom pivot. Screw the bottom pivot tighter or looser to help align the doors. Repeat for the other door.
- 5). Mark a place on the edge of the doors where they meet to install the doorknobs. Choose a height that is comfortable. Install the knobs from the backside of the doors to hide the screw. Drill a starter hole and then screw in the knob fastener. Finish by screwing on the doorknob outside the door. Finally, install the alignment brackets so the door will stay aligned when they are shut. Measure 18 inches from the floor on the backside of each door and mark with a pencil. Screw in the right and left bracket so they fit together when the doors are closed.