Health & Medical Self-Improvement

New Year Resolution - Are You Sick of Double-Crossing Yourself Every Year?

Every year it happens, doesn't it? On or around December 31 EVERY year you make all those promises to yourself that NEXT year you will do things differently.
You make ALL these "resolutions" and within the very first week they are all broken and the SAME old you blunders into yet another year.
I know.
I used to do that myself - once.
And it made me feel miserable because I never felt like I was achieving anything substantial or moving towards my goals.
But what if you had a system? What if you had a system to follow through on all your dreams and goals just like I do? Let me explain...
Most people, me included, always have the best of plans.
But it is in the execution of those plans where things fall down.
Now, why is that? It's because most people have no system to follow.
You see it is the LACK of a system that beats most people.
If only you had a fail-proof system.
Have you ever failed because you didn't have a simple fool-proof system to keep you on track? A system will keep you on track, on target and will allow you to measure your progress.
Remember, if you can't measure something then you can't manage it.
It's impossible.
No wonder 99% of all people settle for the same old, same old.
So think about adopting a system to keep yourself on track and on target.
Set a goal and follow some checkpoints so that you don't deviate and lose hope and then QUIT.
Are you a quitter? You could be an achiever if you just do things differently this time around.
How would that make you feel? For once you could make a set of New Year resolutions and follow them ALL through.
If you have an action plan and you stick to it.

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