Health & Medical Men's Health

Want Stronger Erections? 5 Secret Strategies For Naturally Hard Erections You Won"t See on TV

Who else would love to improve their erection size, but doesn't want to spend another cent on some high hype PE product that you know in your gut is destined to disappoint? Are you serious about learning how to achieve optimum size, strength and stamina for YOUR specific body and build, but don't know which "secret sauce" to try? The good news is...
you are NOT alone.
Millions of men share the same concerns with regard to sexual stamina and self esteem, and you can optimize your anatomy in just about every area worth improving.
So if any of the above (or below!) is of interest to you, this article was written with YOU in mind! Curious to know more? Continue reading as we take a closer look below.
Filed Under: The REAL secret to longer, stronger erections? It's NOT about pills, pumps, pulleys or off the shelf PE products, I can promise you that! The high hype products and promises we see on TV rarely work as well as advertised, and even when they do...
there are ALWAYS lower cost, healthier alternatives you can buy locally, or naturally on your own.
1 - The REAL secret to longer erections is found in your blood stream.
The more nitric oxide you have in your body, the more the blood vessels in your penis, and throughout your body, will be able to expand.
The wider these small vessels can open during sex, the longer, harder and stronger your erections will automatically become.
2- The best way to increase the nitric oxide in your blood stream is through DIET.
Specifically, diets high in a key anti-oxidant compound called "anthocyanins"are directly related to how much blood can flow to and through your penile chamber while erect.
While beyond the scope of this article a bit...
foods that are high in Anthocyanins include all black, blue and deeply colored fruits, with blueberries, bilberries, boysenberries, blackberries and certain families of grapes being the best local source.
3 - Cigarette smoking can cause instant issues with size, stamina and erection size as well.
Multiple studies have now proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that as few as 5 cigarettes, within 24 hours of sex, can reduce erection capacity by 10% or more.
This is simply the REVERSE effect of what we've described in the first 2 points.
Nicotine and the various carcinogens found in processed tobacco constrict the blood vessels, and will IMMEDIATELY affect your ability to optimize your erection.
A simple work around if you are a smoker and aren't yet ready to stop? Eat more fish! There is a simple amino acid called "taurine" that has proven to reverse the artery inflicted injury that cigarettes have on your blood vessles, and will negate or counterbalance the harm each smoke filled drag will have on your ability to perform.
4 - Want KILLER erections naturally? Try to Relax BEFORE sex! There is a whole bunch of evidence that shows that deep breathing before sex can infuse your extremities with oxygen rich blood perfect for maximizing your penis size.
The other big benefit? A calm, balanced mind reduces the amount of adreneline, and cortisol in your blood stream, two more chemicals well known to have a negative affect on our ability to perform.
As a matter of fact, ephinephrine is a key ingredient in just about ALL PE related dysfunctions, and is highly related to stress, obsessive thinking and worry.
Conversely, a relaxed body and brain is directly related to the reverse - the release of high performance, high pleasure inducing hormones that WILL have you performing your best, but giving your partner the most pleasure possible as well! 5 - Lastly, remember that your body is a holistic and interconnected operating system that works BEST when it works together.
Exercising your PC muscles, for example, is not only a great way to increase sexual stamina and staying power, but it's also yet another way to increase the nitric oxide in your blood stream.
Penile stretching exercises not only are good for toughening the spongy tissue in the male anatomy, they are also a great way of dilating the blood vessels as well.
A diet that is healthy for the heart, is also healthy for your size, sexual stamina, and your performance between the sheets to boot! If you truly want to have the best sex of your life, the simple strategies above will get you there faster than just about ANYTHING you'll see on TV, and without the expense, the drugs or the dangerous ideas to boot!

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