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Heat Stress and Construction Workers

Due to the high heat indexes in the summer, construction employees need to be aware of the increased possibility of heat-related illnesses and how to prevent them.
This is particularly true for those of you who spend most of your day out-of-doors.
Too much heat can make you tired, hurt your job performance, and increase your chance of injury.
You can get a skin rash.
You can also get: Dehydration.
The body loses water and can't cool off fast enough.
You may feel thirsty and weak.
Heat Cramps.
Heat cramps may occur alone or be combined with heat exhaustion or heat stroke.
They are painful and can sometimes be severe.
The cramps will occur in the muscles being used while working, such as the arms, legs or stomach.
Heat cramps often don't occur until later when relaxing after work.
Heat Exhaustion.
You will feel tired, nauseous, have a headache, and may be giddy (dizzy and silly).
The skin is damp and will be muddy or flushed in appearance.
You may faint.
Heat Stroke.
The skin will be hot and dry and you will have a high body temperature (above 103 degrees F).
You may feel confused and have difficulty breathing.
You may also have convulsions or become unconscious.
Heat stroke can kill.
The risk of heat stress depends on many things.
Such factors as the individual's physical condition, weather, how much clothing is being worn, type of activity, amount of sun exposure, fatigue, etc.
, play important roles.
PROTECT YOURSELF oDrink a lot of cool water all day--before feeling thirsty.
Drink a cup of water (5 to 7 ounces) every 15 minutes.
oKeep taking rest breaks.
oWear light-colored clothing, made of cotton.
oIf traveling to a warm area for a new job, you need time for the body to become used to heat.
Be extra careful the first two weeks on the job.
oIf wearing protective clothing,you will need more rest breaks.
You may also need to check your body temperature and heart rate.
If an employee has a heat stroke, CALL emergency services (or 911).
Move the co-worker to the shade, wipe his/her skin with cool water, and loosen clothing.
Use a piece of cardboard or other material to fan the victim.

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