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Rules for Abbreviating Directions in Addresses

    • Abbreviate addresses to save time and space.envelope image by Peter Baxter from

      Though the envelopes containing formal correspondence, such as wedding invitations or notes of condolence, should always be addressed without shortening any parts of an address, abbreviations are quite common, and even preferred, in business and casual correspondence. Abbreviating addresses saves time on the part of the addressee, as well as at the post office. Shortening the lines of an address using abbreviations also saves space on an envelope or package.




    • Write out the words North, South, East and West when included as part of the address. Do, however, abbreviate directions such as North-West or South-East as NW and SE, using capital letters without periods.


    • Write out the complete name of the city in the address line for city and state. Abbreviate St. for Saint, such as for St. Petersburg, FL. Use the common abbreviations of NYC and LA for New York City and Los Angeles.


    • Abbreviate the name of the state by using the two-letter state abbreviation assigned by the US Postal Service. Capitalize both of the letters and do not insert periods after either letter.

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