Technology Software

Windows 7 Automatic Shut Down - What to Do When When Windows 7 Shuts Down Automatically

Does your Windows 7 shut down automatically and then restart itself? This is a strange problem that happens with all the Windows versions, including Windows 7.
Now there are several ways to deal with a Windows 7 automatic shut down problem.
First of all it is important to know the cause behind this error.
Interestingly this system restart and shut down problem can be caused by many system errors.
Therefore it is important to identify the error at the first place.
However, for most laymen computer users it is not easy to detect the error.
They find them clueless as to how and where to check this error when the operating system seems to be playing with them by shutting down and rebooting itself.
A blue screen, also referred to as the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) may also be expected.
It is wise to disable the Windows 7 automatic restart option in the event of a Windows 7 failure.
You can simply do this in this way: Start > Control Panel > Advanced System Settings > A system properties window will show.
Find the link Advanced on this window.
In the bottom there will be an option called Startup and Recovery.
Click on the Settings option under it to manipulate the Startup and Recovery settings.
Another properties bar will appear where you will find the System Failure option and its sub-options.
Uncheck the "Automatically Restart" option and click OK.
In this way you will be able to stop Windows 7 from strangely rebooting and shutting down.
Now you can take the safety measures to deal with this issue and get rid of it once and for all.
If the error appears, do note the error and report it to the Microsoft guys on their forum which will tell you the next steps.
If there are no errors then try doing these things: --Remove the program that is ill infected or not opening properly.
--Update drivers --Update BIOS --Conduct a registry repair scan --Analyze memory --Try changing Power Supply Some Windows 7 crashes may be linked to heavy games and/or unsuitable anti viruses program.
Try to remove them and then test your PC whether it is saved from Blue Screen of Death and Windows crashes.
Before you become a victim of such menace it is worthwhile to use a Registry Repairing tool in service for maintaining your Windows 7.
If you have already been experiencing the Windows 7 automatic shut down and reboot problem the following tool, from my own experience, is highly likely to solve your problem.

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