Natural Products to Relieve a Cat's Sneezing & Runny Nose
- A cat's sneezing and runny nose may be caused by a cold.cats face image by Nicemonkey from
The first step in treating your cat's sneezing and runny nose is to find out why the symptoms are occurring. These symptoms can present themselves for many reasons: flu, cold, allergies, bronchitis or some other ailment. Have your cat checked by a veterinarian prior to self-treating. Several natural remedies are available to help with conditions that do not require antibiotics or other clinical treatments. - A homeopathic formula made by WildPets is proclaimed to ease symptoms, such as runny nose, sneezing and other symptoms affecting the respiratory system. It is made from vibrational and flower essences that have been filtered and energized with water and 8 percent alcohol. Follow instructions on the label for dosing and frequency information.
- Vitamin C is a natural immunity booster that supplies the body's cell with compound that are needed to produce energy. This energy is used by the body to fight off infection. Cut one human vitamin C tablet into quarters, dilute it with water and administer the vitamin to the back of the cat's mouth using a medicine syringe.
- Elderberry and licorice are anti-viral herbs that have been known, according to Vetinfo, to be effective against the cat cold. Licorice root is the natural equivalent to cortisone, which soothes mucus membranes. This herb will reduce the occurrence of sneezing. Use elderberry flowers to make a tea to slow a runny nose. Raw elderberry leaves are toxic, however. Many herbs are sold in tablet form.
- Get your bathroom steamed up and sit in there with your cat for 10 to 15 minutes. Do this two or three times a day. Follow the steamy bathroom treatment with saline nose drops. Saline is simply salt water and will not harm your cat. Place a drop in each nostril two or three times per day.