How to Make a Career Changing Decision
Back in 1998 I decided it was time to move out.
So with a few hundred dollars in my pocket, a few hundred in my savings I went apartment hunting.
My purpose, to move to another level and break free of what I considered the limitations of living at home.
It made perfect sense.
Just pick up and pack up and everything will be fine.
Little did I know what was in store for me.
Two days later I signed on the dotted line.
My first apartment.
I was ecstatic.
Then about 30 minutes later, I drove into a wall of reality.
How was I going to pay for it? After a few hours of contemplating whether or not I made the right decision I realized I was getting nowhere.
So I decided to make a list.
A list of what? My assets and people.
After a few hours I had a good sized list and came to a conclusion.
I knew what I wanted to do.
The next day I hopped in the car and scoured the streets for any place that met the job on my list.
It was tough.
And cost me a bunch of money and time.
Finally I found something.
I walked in, asked for an application and returned to my car to fill it out.
Ten minutes later I marched back inside and handed it to a guy who would barely give me the time of day.
He said, "Thanks, we'll let you know.
" Dejected and ticked I walked back to the car.
It seems I really had made a mistake.
I really had the cart in front of the horse and didn't know what I was going to do.
All I know was deep inside I wanted out.
So I followed my gut.
I knew that getting an apartment was the way to go.
Even though I didn't have enough money or a job to pay for my bills, car, gas, utilities.
Later that day when I returned home I had message on the answering machine.
It was the guy who wouldn't give me the time of day.
He wanted to set up an interview.
The rest is history.
Before making this decision to move out I was trapped in a world of self-imposed limitations.
Everything and everyone was against me.
After making that one decision new and exciting avenues started to line up for me.
I began to see things in a whole new light.
Once I made the decision to move forward everything I needed came to me.
Once I made a decision, the complaining stopped, the stress and pressure lifted, and my goals were being accomplished fast.
What a change.
Today I'm proud to share this story with you because it is a foundation that can be used over and over to attain your dream job.
Success begins with a decision.
Once you've made one you'll attract - with mathematical certainty - the people, the circumstances, the knowledge, the information you need to bring the job you want into your life.
You CAN and WILL magnetize a job in a recession, but only if you start by making a decision to do so.
Onward and upward,
So with a few hundred dollars in my pocket, a few hundred in my savings I went apartment hunting.
My purpose, to move to another level and break free of what I considered the limitations of living at home.
It made perfect sense.
Just pick up and pack up and everything will be fine.
Little did I know what was in store for me.
Two days later I signed on the dotted line.
My first apartment.
I was ecstatic.
Then about 30 minutes later, I drove into a wall of reality.
How was I going to pay for it? After a few hours of contemplating whether or not I made the right decision I realized I was getting nowhere.
So I decided to make a list.
A list of what? My assets and people.
After a few hours I had a good sized list and came to a conclusion.
I knew what I wanted to do.
The next day I hopped in the car and scoured the streets for any place that met the job on my list.
It was tough.
And cost me a bunch of money and time.
Finally I found something.
I walked in, asked for an application and returned to my car to fill it out.
Ten minutes later I marched back inside and handed it to a guy who would barely give me the time of day.
He said, "Thanks, we'll let you know.
" Dejected and ticked I walked back to the car.
It seems I really had made a mistake.
I really had the cart in front of the horse and didn't know what I was going to do.
All I know was deep inside I wanted out.
So I followed my gut.
I knew that getting an apartment was the way to go.
Even though I didn't have enough money or a job to pay for my bills, car, gas, utilities.
Later that day when I returned home I had message on the answering machine.
It was the guy who wouldn't give me the time of day.
He wanted to set up an interview.
The rest is history.
Before making this decision to move out I was trapped in a world of self-imposed limitations.
Everything and everyone was against me.
After making that one decision new and exciting avenues started to line up for me.
I began to see things in a whole new light.
Once I made the decision to move forward everything I needed came to me.
Once I made a decision, the complaining stopped, the stress and pressure lifted, and my goals were being accomplished fast.
What a change.
Today I'm proud to share this story with you because it is a foundation that can be used over and over to attain your dream job.
Success begins with a decision.
Once you've made one you'll attract - with mathematical certainty - the people, the circumstances, the knowledge, the information you need to bring the job you want into your life.
You CAN and WILL magnetize a job in a recession, but only if you start by making a decision to do so.
Onward and upward,