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VBS Rally Time Ideas

    Rally Around the Theme

    • "Good" Knievel rode through one VBS Rally Time on his motorcycle.Jupiterimages/Creatas/Getty Images

      A quick survey of the VBS themes for the summer of 2011 includes a jungle theme, a panda theme, a camp theme, a beach theme, an island theme, a racing theme and a sports camp theme. Each has its pluses and minuses in terms of which one would be right for your church. With Rally Time, whether it is the central part of each day of the VBS or the final gathering of students and teachers, the theme for Rally Time must stay consistent with the VBS theme. A Rally Time for the jungle theme may involve a central character with the typical Dr. Livingston style outfit discussing his journeys into God's jungle. A race themed VBS may have someone decked out in NASCAR type outfits. One youth minister doing a stunt theme actually rode through the center of the auditorium on his motorcycle. He was "Good" Knievel.

    Rally Around the Characters

    • Regardless of what the theme is, the lessons are always taken from lengthy Scripture passages. These passages are rich with assorted characters, which you can "become" and speak to the kids as, for example, King David, Moses, Arron or Peter. If the passages lean more toward epistles or areas where few characters are discussed or taught, you can create a central character. This central character in a jungle theme can be an explorer; for a space theme he could be an astronaut. Rally Time is about reviewing what the kids have learned that day or that week. The character can discuss the lesson in a humorous way and reinforce the lesson.

    Rally Around the Mission

    • One traditional aspect of VBS is the money raised going to a Christian mission. The Rally Time can feature the missionary or videos of the work being done. Kids typically respond to other kids, so mission videos with the children in Haiti, Jamaica or Japan in them helps reinforce the reason the students are giving. Remember that it's not to be a constant guilt trip about what kids in other nations don't have; videos of kids in other countries playing sports, participating in mission schools or working in the fields can help give the students an idea of what life is like there.

    Rally Around a Goal

    • As with sending funds to a mission, a VBS usually has a goal of how much money it would like to send to a mission. The Rally Time could include a "count" of how much is still needed and could spur students on by using penny drives or donated food items if the mission is close enough to deliver the food. Some Rally Time goals include a task. In other words, if the goal is to raise a certain amount for the mission and that goal is met, the preacher gets put in a dunk tank. One church had a Rally Time goal that if a certain amount was raised, that the youth minister would kiss a goat's nose. Weird, ridiculous goals like that will send the students far and wide hoping to dunk the preacher or see the youth minister kiss a goat, eat a worm or whatever he or she is willing to do for the mission.

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