Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Infertility - Over Emphasized As A Medical Condition

When we are little boys and girls our first inquiries about our -whence- are answered by the authoritative dogma of the "silver spade" with which we were dug up (analogy "The Stork").
By degrees the fact comes forth.
The public however, remains for ages in the silver spade condition of mind with regard to the science of the fact; and the doctors foster it by telling us that the whole subject is medical property...
So you finally arrive at the doctors office after years of unsuccessful copulating, seeking answers with a side of treatment.
The tests he sends you for are both embarrassing and painful, but because they are going to shed some fluorescent light on what ails you and your partner, you even welcome them! Your partner is the first to receive his results that his "boys can swim" which means its you with the problem.
You are subsequently and rather apologetically informed that you are suffering from what is referred to as UNEXPLAINED INFERTILITY.
"The tests didn't find anything wrong which happens to one in ten couples".
So what now? "Well you have three options.
We can do a course of fertility drugs, try a cycle of IVF or do nothing", which is when the madness begins.
The first option may be an "informed choice" considering the chance of multiple pregnancy if it works.
If that does not work the second often requires access to considerable financial resources.
Heard of a phenomenon called "the IVF tourist"? A package consisting of Greek island with sun, sea and ruins, embryo transfers and ultrasound all in one.
That is if you manage to arrive with the IVF ice box, including all the preliminary drugs which weigh as much as your hand baggage limit on budget airline.
So how many IVFs are too many or is this a function of personal economics? (The Health Minister may have his opinion despite having never experienced a follicle stimulating cycle) Picture a lifestyle directed by the "best time to get pregnant" dogma, when the basal thermometer by your bed becomes an object of foreplay while you spend an abnormal amount of time in the bedroom upside down.
You may decide to call in the help of a famous herbalist, a gay gynaecologist, psychiatrist and spiritual healer, while your friends think you have acquired a sign on your forehead saying "infertile, please approach with anecdotes and advice".
While all of the above may play a role depending on personal circumstances, it is worth remembering that the most obvious may often be staring you in the face.
The female body can certainly be prepared for and be more receptive to conceiving naturally.
Some of the information regarding falling pregnant naturally is based on common sense, but often forgotten and should be personalized to fit the individual.
There are also some lesser known facts or "fertility secrets" worth knowing if you are experiencing problems.
The right to procreation is one of the most basic of human rights and should not be seen as a privilege.

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